MAGME SCHOOL OF BANKING Class Room - Daily Dose BookletDDB NO: History 11 (English)
1 C) 1,2 and 4
2 C) the Enlightened one
3 D) 1, 2 and 3
4 D) 2 and 3
5 A) 1 2 3 4
6 B) 1 and 2
7 B) amarakosa
8 A) renunciation of desire
9 B) Kanishka
10 D) Svetambara and Digambara
11 A) Upagupta
12 B) Kanishka
13 C) Harshavardhana
14 C) Prayag
15 C) Kashyapa Matanga
16 C) Worship of gods and goddesses
17 D) only 1
18 A) Rishaba
19 D) 1,2 and 3
20 B) Jainism
21 D) Ashvaghosha
22 D) Buddha
23 D) Kapilavastu, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar
24 A) Nalanda
25 C) 2 and 3
26 B) Mahayana sect
27 C) 3 4 1 2
28 C) 2 1 4 3
29 B) B. Second Buddhist Council 2. Magadha
30 D) He glorified the concept of self-mortification
31 B) Compile Buddhish canons and settle disputes
32 D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
33 B) Maitreya
34 C) 3 4 1 2
35 C) Stupa
36 A) Buddhism
37 C) 1. 2. 3 and 4
38 B) Menander
39 D) Samudragupta
40 C) Bimbisara
41 A) Ajatashatru
42 B) Mahavira
43 D) None of these
44 B) Buddha”s calling of the Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of Mara
45 B) 2 and 3
46 B) Buddhism
47 A) 1 and 4
48 B) Angas
49 B) Only 4
50 C) Both 1 and 2
51 A) Mental control
52 A) Basava
53 B) 12
54 A) Bodh Gaya
55 C) Right Thought (Samyak Soch)
56 B) 3 4 1 2
57 A) The four sights of old age, diseases, death and ascetic which affected the life of young Siddhartha
58 D) Kushinagar
59 C) Places where Buddhist councils were held
60 B) Ajivikas
61 D) Neither 1 nor 1
62 A) the deeds of a person that determine the state of his life
63 D) Belief in Rigorous Asceticism
64 C) 1 and 3
65 B) 1 2 3 4
66 B) Chaitya is a place of worship, while Vihara is the dwelling place of the monks
67 D) All of the above
68 A) Alara and Udduka
69 A) 1 and 2
70 D) the way to end sorrow lies in following the eight gold path
71 A) Ananda
72 B) 1, 2 and 3
73 A) Metta or universal love
74 C) Jainism
75 D) Relic tower
76 B) 2 and 3
77 B) 2 3 4 1
78 C) he wanted to resolve only the practical aspects of life
79 A) Ardhamagadhi
80 B) Pava
81 B) 2 and 3
82 A) 3 4 1 2
83 D) 4 1 2 3
84 B) 1, 2, 3, 4
85 C) Sanskrit
86 B) Mahayan
87 A) Asvaghosha
88 A) Vardhamana Mahavira
89 D) Vardhaman Mahavira
90 D) 1, 3 and 4
91 A) Rishabadeva
92 C) Brahmacharya
93 B) Jainism
94 D) Harisena
95 C) Jainism
96 A) Central Asia
97 C) 2, 3, 1
98 A) Nagarjuna
99 B) Horse
100 D) Shudra
101 D) A is false, but R is true
102 D) He glorified the concept of self mortification
103 A) 1, 2 and 3
104 C) Right desire
105 B) Only 1
106 D) Sudharma
107 B) Maiteryanath
108 D) Vamsathapakasina
109 B) Jains
110 B) Sanchi
111 B) Mahayana sect
112 A) 1, 2, 3, 4
113 A) An important Buddhist text in Fall
114 C) 2 1 4 3
115 A) 1 and 3
116 A) Nagarjuna
117 C) Kharavela
118 D) Nalanda
119 B) Patliputra
120 C) Lokayata and Kapalika
121 B) Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct explanation of A
122 B) Madhya Pradesh
123 B) Maladhar Basu
124 B) Teg Bahadur
125 A) Sher Shah
126 D) Gulbadan Begum
127 C) Humayun
128 C) Cambay
129 A) an uncle of Ibrahim Lodi who was ill-treated and expelled from the country.
130 B) An official historian of the reign of Shahjahan.
131 C) Both 1 and 2
132 B) Only 3
133 C) Kalyan Das
134 D) 1,2 and 3
135 D) 1, 2 and 3
136 C) Turkish
137 D) A is false, but R is true
138 C) A is true, but R is false
139 D) A is false, but R is true
140 C) 1, 2 and 3
141 B) Tavernier
142 C) 1 and 3
143 C) Hakim Khan
144 A) 2 3 1 4
145 D) All of the above
146 A) 1 2 4 3
147 C) the hall in which Akbar held discussion with scholars at various religions
148 B) Village headman
149 C) Baburnama
150 C) Pali
151 B) Method of cultivation
152 B) Deer
153 C) Patliputra
154 B) Uparika
155 B) 2 and 4
156 B) Bindusara
157 B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
158 B) Maurya
159 B) Puskalavati
160 B) Rajuka
161 B) Pataliputra
162 B) political policies
163 C) Vishakhdatta
164 C) Indica
165 B) Chandragupta
166 B) Prakrit
167 D) Seven
168 A) Maurya
169 C) Taxila
170 D) 15
171 A) William Jones
172 A) James Princep
173 D) Brihadratha
174 C) Chandragupta Maurya
175 C) 2 3 1 4
176 D) Satvahan
177 B) Kalsi
178 D) Ashoka
179 D) Chandragupta
180 B) Gautamiputra Satkarni
181 C) Greeks
182 B) Indo Greeks
183 A) Nagarjuna, Ashvaghosha, Vasumitra
184 B) art
185 A) Purushapur
186 D) Gondapharnese (Parthian)
187 A) Pen Chao
188 D) Kanishka
189 C) Rashtra
190 C) Kanvas
191 B) Parshva
192 B) Gautamiputra satkasni
193 A) Only 1
194 A) 1 and 4
195 C) Both 1 and 2
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