Monday, June 7, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Geography - English Set 18 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Geography 18 (English)

1 D. Stratospheric ozone depletion

2 C. Both 1 and 2

3 A. To phase out the use of CFCs, found to be causing depletion of the ozone layer

4 C. Global warming causes increased rainfall. plant growth and photosynthesis.

5 A. Increased liver cancer

6 A. Deforestation

7 B. 1 and 3

8 B. 1 and 3

9 B. a set of voluntary environmental standards for businesses.

10 A. 4 : 3 : 2 : 1

11 B. Suspended Particulate Matter(SPM), benzene

12 A. It prevents engine knocking.

13 B. 2049

14 A. Suspended Particulate Matter

15 D. Madhya Pradesh

16 B. Ammonia

17 B. Freon

18 B. Chernobyl, Erstwhile Soviet Union

19 C. Mercury

20 B. Ultraviolet radiation

21 B. 1985

22 C. Montreal Protocol

23 B. Vegetable peels

24 B. Overgrazing by livestock

25 B. Aflatoxin

26 C. Old batteries

27 A. incineration

28 B. Industrial high temperature incineration

29 B. Mumbai

30 C. 1 and 4

31 A. 1,2,3 and 4

32 A. 1, 2 and 3

33 B. Stockholm Convention

34 B. 1 , 2 and 3

35 B. Dobson unit

36 A. Pneumoconiosis

37 B. 1 and 3

38 C. 1 and 2

39 D. None of the above

40 D. None of these

41 D. Lichens

42 A. environmental degradation

43 A. Only 1

44 D. Sulphur dioxide

45 C. Water pollution

46 B. Oxide of nitrogen

47 C. Schedule 6

48 C. Article 48A

49 B. Sutlej

50 D. Poles

51 B. magnesium hydroxide

52 B. warm, dry and sunny climate

53 D. A is false but R is true

54 B. Accelerates the growth

55 B. hydroxyl amine

56 B. Silver foil

57 A. 2, 1, 5, 4

58 A. CO2

59 B. environment friendly

60 D. Lead pollution

61 B. Nitrate

62 B. frozen ice beneath the surface soil restricts root growth.

63 D. Excessive entry of nutrients into water

64 C. excess release of SO2 and N02 from burning fossil fuels.

65 D. Increase in land price of adjacent plot due to construction of road by government.

66 B. contains dissolved toxic chemicals.

67 A. lead

68 C. with higher affinity for haemoglobins compared to oxygen.

69 A. 1, 2, 3 and 4

70 C. 4, 5 and 6

71 D. amount of oxygen dissolve in water

72 D. None of these

73 D. Sun

74 D. All of the above

75 C. Jet flight

76 D. 1, 2 and 3

77 A. collection of greenhouse gases which rise the temperature of atmosphere.

78 C. 2 and 3

79 D. Neither 1 nor 2

80 B. 1 and 3

81 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

82 A. 1, 2 and 3

83 A. 1 and 2

84 B. 3, 1, 2, 4

85 D. 1, 2 and 3

86 C. arsenic

87 C. soil pollution

88 C. 1 and 3

89 A. 2, 4, 3, 1

90 C. 2, 3 and 4

91 C. All are monitored

92 C. 1 and 2

93 C. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

94 A. 1986

95 C. Storing the radioactive waste in a solid lattice to prevent it from spreading

96 A. 1 and 2

97 B. 1 and 2

98 B. 1, 2 and 3

99 A. 2, 3, 1, 4

100 C. 2 and 3

101 B. 3,4,2,1

102 C. Both1 and 2

103 D. None of these

104 A. the genetic resources of the earth.

105 A. Only 1

106 D. nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide

107 A. introduction of high yielding varieties

108 D. Neither 1 nor2

109 A. 1, 2 and 3

110 C. Both 1 and 2

111 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

112 B. Only 2

113 C. Both 1 and 2

114 C. Destruction of natural habitats and vegetation and jhum cultivation

115 C. 1 and 3

116 A. 1, 2 and 3

117 C. Both 1 and 2

118 B. National Parks

119 C. 1 and 3

120 B. Botanical Garden

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