Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Vijayanagar Empire (1336 -1672 A.D.) - 15 Mints Seminar Notes

The Vijayanagar Empire (1336 -1672 A.D.) - 15 Mints Seminar Notes

  • In 1336 A.D, Harihara and Bukka founded Vijayanagar Empire.
  • Vijaynagar Empire was formed on the southern banks of Tungabhadra river.
  • Hampi was declared as the capital city.
  • They served under Vira Ballala III, the Hoysala King.
  • It extended from Krishna river to extreme south.
  • The conflict between Vijayanagara and Bahmani kingdoms was the Raichur Doab (land between Krishna and Tungabhadra river and Krishna-Godavari delta).
  • Harihara and Bukka were sons of Sangama, feudatories of Kakatiyas of Warangal.
  • Sriranga III was the last ruler of Vijayanagar empire.

The Vijayanagar period is divided into four different dynasties.

  • Sangama
  • Saluva
  • Tuluva
  • Aravidu

Sangama Dynasty (1336 -1485) – longest reign

  • Harihara I became the ruler of Sangama Dynasty in 1336 A.D.
  • Mysore and Madurai were captured by Harihara I.
  • Harihara I was succeeded by Bukka-I in 1356 A.D.
  • Sayaṇa and Madhava were learned commentator on the Vedas, were ministers under Bukka I and Harihara II.
  • The greatest ruler of Sangama dynasty was Deva Raya II.
  • During his reign, Abdur Razzak visited the Vijayanagara kingdom.

Saluva Dynasty (1486-1505 AD) – smallest reign

  • Saluva Narsimhan was the founder of Saluva dynasty.
  • Immadi Narsimha succeeded him.
  • He was a weak ruler and the control of state fell into the hands of Narasa Nayaka.
  • Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut during his time in 1498.

Tuluva Dynasty (1505-1570 AD)

  • The son of Narasa Nayaka, Vira Narsimha was the founder of Tuluva dynasty. 
  • He was succeeded by his half-brother, Krishnadeva Raya in 1509 AD.

Krishnadeva Raya

  • At the time of Krishnadevaraya’s accession to the throne, the condition of the empire was unstable, as he had to deal with Gajapathis of Orissa and the Muslim kingdoms in the north.
  • Krishna Deva Raya won the Gajapati kingdom in present day Orissa and extended the Vijaya
  • nagara empire to that region as well.
  • Krishna Deva Raya defeated the Deccan Sultans in the battle of Diwani.
  • He then invaded Raichur Doab(between Tungabhadra and Krishna river, known for its fertile soil) confronting Sultan of Bijapur, Ismail Adil Shah. He also captured Bidar.
  • He helped the Portuguese to conquer Goa from the Bijapur rulers in 1510 and maintained friendly relations with them.
  • Portuguese travellers Domingo Paes and Durate Barbosa visited his court and have left accounts.
  • Krishna Deva Raya was a contemporary of Babur. So, when the First Battle of Panipat(1526) was fought, Krishnadeva Raya was the ruler of Vijayanagar in the southern India.
  • Krishna Deva Raya was a Vaishainaite but respected all religions.
  • He is also known as ‘Andhra Bhoja’, for his patronage of art and literature. Also known as Abhinava Bhoja.
  • He himself was also a scholar, he wrote the Telugu work Amuktamalyada and a Sanskrit play, Jambavathi Kalyana.
  • In his court, eight eminent scholars known as ‘Astadiggajas’ were patronized.
  • Imporatant scholars were Allasani Peddana  (Andhra-kavita-pitamaha) and Nandi Thimmanna.
  • He built Vijaya Mahal, Hazara Ramaswamy temple and Vitala Swami temple at Vijayanagar. He also built ‘Rayagopurams’.
  • A new city was built called ‘Nagalapuram’ in memory of his queen Nagaladevi.
  • Krishnadevaraya repaired and restored many south Indian temples, hence, most of the big towers on temples in south India have the name Raya gopuram in his honour.
  • Achutadeva succeeded Krishnadeva .
  • The later ruler was Sadashiva Raya but defacto ruler then was Rama Raya.

Battle of Talaikota

  • In 1565 AD, all the Sultanates joined a coalition against Vijayanagar except Berar.
  • The Battle of Talaikota, also known as Battle of Rakshasa-Tangadi, led to execution of Rama Raya after being taken prisoner.
  • Thereafter, the city of Vijayanagar was destroyed and looted.

Aravidu Dynasty(1570-1650 AD)

  • Tirumala Raya ruled in name of Sadashiva Raya.
  • They shifted to new capital at Penugonda and then to Chandragiri.
  • The last ruler of Vijayanagar was Sri Ranga III.

Administration under Vijayanagar Empire:

  • The kingdom was divided into provinces known as Mandalam, headed by ‘mandaleshwar’.
  •  It was further divided into nadu, sthala and grams.
  • Land revenue was fixed at 1/6th  of the produce.
  • Land revenue varied according to nature of cultivated land.
  • The army under Vijayanagar Kingdom was well organised and efficient.
  • It consisted of infantry,cavalry,artillery and elephants.
  • The highest grade officers in army were known as ‘Nayaks or Poligars‘.

Society under Vijayanagar empire:

  • Slavery was prevalent, as mentioned by Nicolo Conti.
  • Silk and cotton clothes were mainly used for dresses.
  • Vijayanagar markets were noted for dealing in spices, textiles and precious stones.
  • Religious tolerance was shown towards everyone.
  • Muslims were also employed in the administration.A large number of temples were built during this time. Epics and Puranas were popular among masses.High taxes were collected so people revolted against empire in 1430.

Position of Women:

  • Women were employed in royal palaces.
  • Some women scholars like Hannamma, Thirumalamma and Gangadevi, who wrote Madhuravijayam.
  • Devadasi system was flourishing under Vijayanagar Kingdom.
  • Polygamy was prevalent among royal families.
  • Sati practice was also recounted by traveller accounts.

Architecture under Vijayanagar Empire:

  • Vijayanagar rulers began the practice of wall inscriptions containing stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata on temples.Vitalaswamy and Hazara Rama temple has such inscriptions.
  • The chief characteristic feature of Vijayanagar Architecture  was the construction of tall Raya Gopurams and kalyan mandapas with carved pillars.


  • Vijayanagara emperors issued gold coins called Varahas.
  • The languages used were Kannada and Nagari script.
  • Achyuta issued Gandaperunda coin

The Nayakara system:

  • Under this system, the king was considered to be the owner of the soil and he distributed the lands to his nayakas.

Foreign Visitors of Vijayanagar Kingdom:

  • Ibn Bututa (1333-1347 A.D.) — Moroccan traveller, who visited India during the reign of Muhammad-bin -Tughlaq. And came to Vijayanagar during the reign of Harihara I.
  • Nicolo Conti (1420-1421 A.D.) — Venetian traveller, who gave a comprehensive account of the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar.
  • Abdur Razzaq (1443-1444 A. D.) — Persian traveller, who stayed at the court of the Zamorin at Calicut. He visited during Devaraya II reign.
  • Duarte Barbosa (1500-1516 A.D.)  — Portuguese traveller, who has given a valuable narrative of the government and the people of the Vijayanagar empire.
  • Domingos Paes (1520-1522 A.D) — Portuguese traveller, who visited the court of Krishnadeva Raya.
  • Fernao Nuniz (1534-1537 A.D) — Portuguese merchant, who wrote the history of the empire from its earliest days to the closing years of Achyutadeva Raya’s reign.

Presemted By,

Jeeva Rekha

Tnpsc Student 

Magme School Of Banking

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