Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Administration and economy -15 Mints Seminar Notes

Administration and economy -15 Mints Seminar Notes

East India company-1773 to 1858

  • Regulating act
  • Pits Indian act
  • Charter act
  • 1772 – Bengal Governor ( Warren Hasting)

Regulating act : 1773

( No Limitation  Of Power)                                           


  • Bengal + Bombay + Madras
  • Supreme court - kolkatta (1 + 3)Sir Elijah Impey

 Pits Indian act :1784

  • Rectify the defect of regulating act 1773
  • Separate control political & commercial

Charter act : 1793

  • 20 year once
  • Board of control salary from Indian revenue

Charter act : 1813

  • One lakh for education
  • Trade monopoly of east India company end

Charter act : 1833

  • First Governor General of India – Lord William Bentick
  • Commercial body end
  • Administration body

Charter act : 1853

  • Separation of Legislative & Executive
  • Indian civil service 1854 – Macaulay committee

Crown Rule – 1858

Government of India act:

  • Abolished of east India company
  • Governor general – Viceroy Lord Caming

Indian councils act of 1861

  • Viceroy should nominate some Indian as non-officialmember of his extended council. In 1862 Lord Canning nominated three Indian to his legislative council, the Raja of Benaras, maharaja of Patiala and Sir Dinkar Rao.
  • It initiated the process of Decentralization, by restoring the legislative power to Bombay and Madaras presidencies.
  • Provided for the establishment of new legislative councils for Bengal, NWFP and Punjab in 1862, 1866 & 1897.
  • It introduced the Portfolio system (Lord Canning).
  • It empowered the Viceroy to issue Ordinances without the concurrence of legislative council, during an emergency

Indian councils act 1892:

  • It increased the number of additional non official members in the C & S Legislative councils. (Maintained the official majority).
  • Legislative council can now discuss budget and address question to executive.
  • It provided for the nomination of non-official members of the :
  1. Central legislative council by the viceroy on the, recommendation of the provincial legislative council and the Bengal Chamber of Commerce.
  2. State legislative council by the Governor on the recommendation of the District board, Municipalities, Universities, Trade associations, Zamindars and chambers.
  • It introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of separate electorate
  • The act legalized communalism and Lord Minto came to be known as Father of Communal Electorate.


Presented By, 


Tnpsc Student

Magme School Of Banking

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