Monday, March 21, 2022

DELHI SULTANATE - 15 Mints Seminar Notes

                    DELHI SULTANATE - 15 Mints Seminar Notes


  • Mamluk Dynasty (1206-1290)
  • Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
  • Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1416)
  • Sayyid Dynasty (1416-1451)
  • Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)


The Delhi Sultanate was an Islamic empire based in Delhi that stretched over larger parts of the Indian subcontinent for 320 years (1206-1526) ruled under five dynasties. As a successor to the Ghori Dynasty the Delhi Sultanate was originally one among a number of principalities ruled by the Turkic slave- generals of Mohammad Ghori.

MAMLUK DYNASTY (1206-1290)


  • Slave of Ghori( also called as Bandagan).
  • 1st capital at Indraprastham-built army infrastructure, then shifted capital to Lahore.
  • Titled himself as Sultan, also called as Lakh Baksh.
  • Built oldest Mosque-Quwat –ul –Islam Masjid.

Quwat-ul-Islam Masjid

  • Supported Hassan Nizami-Persian language poet and historical-first one to write Delhi Sultanate history-TajulMaasir.
  • Started to build Qutb Minor-Engineer-Sufi Saint Khaju.
  • Chauhan-Horse Polo Game-Dies in 1210.
  • Son Aram Bakash-Killed by Iltumish (son in law of Aibak).

2. Iltumish (1210-1236)

  • Son in law of Aibak and military governor general. He is also called as slave of slave.
  • Completed QutbMinar.Called as FATHER OF TOMB BUILDING1229 got permission from caliphs as per law to become sultan.Land Donations called  Iqdha or Mukti Issued coins-copper coins (Jidal), silver coins (Tanka)
  •  Sagalkhani-Turkey Maliks.
  • Died in 1236, then Razia Sultana become head.

3. Razia Sultana (1236-1240)

  • Razia got to throne-Daughter of Iltumish.
  • Assistant – Abyssianian slave- Jalaluddin Yaqut-Amir –i- Akbar.
  • Sagalkani killed Razia.
  • Giyas-ud-din-Balban got throne.

4. Balban (1266-1287)

  • Ullugh Khan-Shivalik army head.
  • Slave of Iltumish. Father-in-law of Hassir-ud-din.
  • Titled himself as Naigh –i-musk.
  • Destroyed Sagalkhani, created spies form.
  • Known as Poibos.
  • Strict law and order-heavy punishments.
  • Created Diwas-i-ariz-Army.
  • Balban died in1266 AD.

KHILJI DYNASTY (1290-1320)

1. JalaluddinKhilji (1290-1296)

  • Clemency Jalal-ud-din
  • Balban son-in-law and Governor of Malik Sajii Khara.
  • 1292-removed and made nephew and son-in-law Alauddin Khilji.

2. Alauddin Khilij (1296-1316)

  • Alauddin Khilji defeated Devagiri, Yadav in Deccan and returned and killed Jalal ud din khilji.
  • Seized Turkey Malik’s asserts, banned functions and banned alcohol.
  • Formed Sagan-i-Mandi for agriculture.
  • Send his slave Malik Kafur to invadesouth India-destroyed Devagirifort,invadedMadurai,Warangal,Srirangam andChitambaram in 1311
  • Killed Allauddinkhiliji and got throne  then in just 35 days-was killed by rulers.
  • Last ruler-Kusran.



  • Othger name Ghazi Malik
  • Atten a funxtion and died in stage in 1324.

2.Muhammad Bin Tughlaq(1324-1351)

  • Named as Juna Khan.
  • Transferred capital from Delhi to Devagiri and again from Devagiri to Delhi.
  • MorrocoTravellar-IbaBatuta.
  • Introduced token currency led to fake coins.
  • More tax fir people led to famine.
  • Dhakkavi fund-Agriculture.
  • Diwas-i-Amir-Kohi-Agricuktural dept.
  • Muhahmmed Bin Tuglaq Coins

3.Firoz shah Tughlaq(1351-1583)

  • Named as Khan-i-Jahan.
  • Took more measures for people and feminine.
  • Refused unwanted wars-no war policy.
  • Taimur invansion-December-3 days-won-Firoz died 1388.
  • Taimur appointed Khizr Khan.


  • Khizr Khan-Delhi (1414-1421)
  • Mubarak Shan (1421-1434)
  • MuhammedAlam Shah (1434-1445)
  • Lives peacefully without war for 3 decades.
  • Alauddin Shah (1445-1457)

LODI DYNASTY (1451-1526)

1.Bahlol Lodi (1451-1489)

  • Forced Alauddin Shah to leave-occupied throne
  • Helped people,ruled Punjab to Bihar.

2.Sikander Shah Lodi (1489-1517)

  • Shifted capital from Delhi to Agra-1504

3.Ibrahim Lodi(1517-1526)

  • Punjab Governor Daulat Khan invited Babur to battle with Ibrahim Lodi.
  • 1stPanipat war-Ibrahim Lodi-Babur.
  • Babur wins.
  • Lodi dynasty ends and full Delhi Sultanate ends.Babur’sMusilim Dynasty starts.



Presented By,


Tnpsc Student

Magme School Of Banking


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