Wednesday, April 20, 2022

RENEWABLE ENERGY - 15 Minutes Seminar Notes

 RENEWABLE ENERGY - 15 Minutes Seminar Notes

Renewable energy sources are natural energy sources which do not get used up

There are many different forms of renewable energy

  • Wind energy
  • solar energy
  • Bio energy
  • Ocean energy
  • Hydro electricity


  • The energy that travels in the wind can be captured and converted to provide electricity
  • Wind turbines are used to create electricity from the energy in the wind
  • Wind turbines are located in onshore (occupying on land) and offshore (situated from sea)


It is reasonably predictable and is not associated with any environment risk 

There are two main ways that solar energy is used in our buildings

  1. Solar heat
  2. Solar electricity

Solar light (light from the sun) can be exploited in building design to even further minimisethe need for artificial lighting during daylight hours


  • Ocean energy uses the power from the sea to create electricity
  • It uses energy from waves from tidal currents 
  • Ireland has one of the greatest energy resources in the world


  • Bio energy is energy which comes biomass (plant and other organic material)
  • It can be converted into methane gas and certain plants can be converted to fuel and special cars can be run on this biofuel


  • A dam is build to trap water, usually in a valley where there is an existing lake
  • Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in the dam , to turn turbines and thus drive generators
  • Hydro electric power stations can produce a great deal of power very cheaply
  • Three Gorges Dam (2003) China
  • Itaipu Dam (1984) by Brazil and Paraguay

Presented By,


Banking Student

Magme School Of Banking

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