Thursday, December 26, 2019

Science Glossary - Part 2


51.    Circuit breaker:    It is a safety switch that automatically cuts off the current when there is an overland.

52.    Climate:    It is the long-term pattern of weather in a region.

53.    Coefficient:    The number before a chemical formula that indicates how many molecules are involved in a chemical reaction

54.    Collision:    A situation in which two objects in close contact exchange energy and momentum

55.    Compass:    it is an instrument which helps people to find their way from one place to another.

56.    Compound:    A substance made up of two or more different types of atoms bonded together

57.    Compound machine:    A machine that is made up of two or more simple machines.

58.    Concave:    Curved inward toward the center, like the inside of a spoon

59.    Concentration:    The amount of solute dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature.

60.    Condensation:    The process by which a gas becomes a liquid

61.    Conduction:    The process by which energy is transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object by means of physical contact.

62.    Conductor:    A material that transfers energy easily & A material that transfers electric charge easily

63.    Convection:    A process by which energy is transferred in gases and liquids,occurring when a warmer, less dense area of  gas or liquid is pushed up by a cooler, more dense area of the gas or liquid

64.    Convex:    Curved outward, like the underside of a spoon

65.    Cooling tower:    It is part of a power station.

66.    Cornea:    A transparent membrane that covers the eye

67.    Coulomb:    It is a unit of electric charge.

68.    Covalent bond:    A pair of electrons shared by two atoms

69.    Crest:    The highest point, or peak, of a wave

70.    Cube:    It has a solid shape, it has six square sides which are all the same size.

71.    Curie:    It is a unit of radio-activity.

72.    Cycle:    Noun : A series of events or actions that repeat them- selves regularly; a physical and/or chemical process in which one Verb: To move through a repeating series of events or actions.material continually changes locations and/or forms. Examples include the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the rock cycle.

73.    Decibel:    It is a unit of measurement. It measures the loudness of sound.

74.    Decibel db:    The unit used to measure the intensity of a sound wave

75.    Degree:    Evenly divided units of a temperature scale

76.    Density:    A property of matter representing the mass per unit volume

77.    Diffraction:    The spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening or around the edges of an obstacle.

78.    Diffuse reflection:    The reflection of parallel light rays in many different directions

79.    Diffusion:    It is the movement of atoms and molecules in gases and liquids.

80.    Digital:    It is a term meaning coded as number.

81.    Dilute:    Having a low concentration of solute

82.    Diode:    It is a term part of some electric circuits.

83.    Direct current DC:    Electric current that flows in one direction only

84.    Docking:    It is the mechanical coupling of two or more spacecraft.

85.    Doppler effect:    The change in perceived pitch that occurs when the source or the one who hears the sound is moving

86.    Dynamo:    It is a simple generator, or machine for transforming mechanical energy into electrical energy.

87.    Echo:    It is a sound which is reflected.
88.    Eclipse:    it is passage of an astronomical body through the shadow of another.

89.    Elastically:    It is an elastic substance which obey Hooke’s law. This means that if we stretch or compress a sample, it deforms (stains) in proportion. It returns to its original state when the stress ceases.

90.    Electric cell:    A device that produces electric current using the chemical or physical properties of different materials.

91.    Electric charge:    A property that allows one object to exert an electric force on another object without touching it. Electric charge can be positive or negative: positive charge is a property of the proton, while negative charge is a property of the electron

92.    Electric current:    A continuous flow of electric charge, which is mea- suredin amperes

93.    Electric field:    An area surrounding a charged object, within which the object can exert an electric force on another object without touching it

94.    Electric potential:    The amount of potential energy per unit charge that a static charge or electric current has. Electric potential is measured in volts and is often called voltage.

95.    Electric power:    The rate at which electrical energy is generated from, or converted into, another source of energy, such as kinetic energy

96.    Electromagnet:    A magnet that consists of a piece of iron or steel inside a coil of current-carrying wire

97.    Electromagnet:    It is a special coil of wire.

98.    Electromagnetic spectrum :    The range of all electromagnetic frequencies, in- cluding the following types (from lowest to highest frequency): radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays

99.    Electromagnetic wave :    A type of wave, such as a light wave or radio wave, that does not require a medium to travel; a disturbance that transfers energy through a field

100.    Electromagnetism:    Magnetism that results from the flow of electric charge

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