Thursday, December 26, 2019

Science Glossary - Part 5


201.    Mach number:    It is a measure of the speed of an object, specially an aircraft. If the Mach number exceeds one, the object is said to be moving at a supersonic speed.

202.    Machine:    Any device that makes doing work easier

203.    Magnet:    An object that attracts certain other materials, particularly iron and steel

204.    Magnetic domain:    A group of atoms whose magnetic fields align, or point in the same direction. Magnetic materials have magnetic domains, whereas nonmagnetic materials do not.

205.    Magnetic field:    An area surrounding a magnet within which the magnet can exert a force. Magnetic fields are concentrated into a pattern of lines that extend from the magnet’s north pole to its south pole
206.    Magnetic pole:    One of two ends of a magnet where the magnetic force is the strongest. Every magnet has two poles

207.    Magnetism:    The force exerted by a magnet. Opposite poles of two magnets attract, or pull together, whereas like poles of two magnets repel, or push apart

208.    Manometer:    An instrument for measuring the pressure of liquids (including human blood pressure) or gases.

209.    Mass:    A measure of how much matter an object is made of.

210.    Matter:    Anything that has mass and volume. Matter exists ordinarily as a solid, a liquid, or a gas

211.    Mechanical advantage:    The number of times a machine multiplies the input force; output force divided by input force

212.    Mechanical energy:    A combination of the kinetic energy and potential energy an object has

213.    Mechanical wave:    A wave, such as a sound wave or a seismic wave, that transfers kinetic energy through matter

214.    Mechanics:    It is the study of movement of material bodies.

215.    Medium:    A substance through which a wave moves.

216.    Meridian:    It is an imaginary circle passing through both the poles of a celestial sphere, It is also the imaginary plane passing through the Earth’s axis.

217.    Metal:    An element that tends to be shiny, easily shaped, and a good conductor of electricity and heat.

218.    Metallic bond:    A certain type of bond in which nuclei float in a sea of electrons.

219.    Metalloid:    An element that has properties of both metals and nonmetals.

220.    Meteorology:    It is the study of climate and weather patterns, with the aim of trying to explain, predict and change them.

221.    Mica:    It is a group of silicate minerals having layered structure.
222.    Microscope:    It is an instrument for magnification with high resolution for detail.

223.    Microwaves:    Part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consists of waves with higher frequencies than radio waves, but lower frequencies than infrared waves

224.    Mirage:    It is the illusion seen in hot climate of water on the horizon, or of distant objects being enlarged.

225.    Missile:    It is guided unmanned weapon which is usually propelled by a rocked.

226.    Mixture:    A combination of two or more substances that do not combine chemically but remain the same individual substances. Mixtures can be separated by physical means

227.    Moderator:    It is a substance that is used to slow down neutrons emitted in a nuclear fission reaction.

228.    Molecule:    A group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds so that they move as a single unit

229.    Molecule:    it is a group of one or more atoms bonded together, a basic participle of matter.

230.    Momentum:    A measure of mass in motion. The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity

231.    Momentum:    It is a property dependent on the mass and velocity of a body.

232.    Monomer:    One of many small, repeating units linked together to form a polymer

233.    Motion:    A change of position over time

234.    Nanotechnology:    The science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules

235.    Nautical mile:    It is a unit of measurement, it measures distances across seas and oceans.

236.    Net force:    The overall force acting on an object when all of the forces acting on it are combined

237.    Neutral:    Describing a solution that is neither an acid nor a base. A neutral solution has a ph of 7.

238.    Neutron:    A particle that has no electric charge and is located in an atom’s nucleus.

239.    Nonmetal:    An element that is not a metal and has properties generally opposite to those of a metal.

240.    Nuclear fission:    it is the process whereby an atomic nucleus breaks up with the emissions of several neutrons.

241.    Nuclear reactor:    It is the central component of a nuclear power station that generated nuclear energy under controlled conditions for use as a source of electrical power.

242.    Nuclear waste:    It is the radio-active and toxic by-products of the nuclear-energy and nuclear-weapons industries.

243.    Nucleic acid:    One of several carbon-based molecules that carry an organism’s genetic code. One of the nucleic acids DNA- contains the information needed to construct proteins

244.    Nucleus:    The central region of an atom where most of the atom’s mass is found in protons and neutrons

245.    Ohm:    The SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm.

246.    Opaque:    It described a substance which does not allow light to pass through it.

247.    Optics:    It is the study of nature and properties of light.

248.    Organic compound:    A compound that is based on carbon

249.    Oscillation:    One completer to and-fro movement of a vibrating object or system.

250.    Parallel circuit:    A circuit in which current follows more than one path. Each device that is wired in a parallel circuit has its own path to and from the voltage source

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