Thursday, December 26, 2019

Science Glossary - Part 7

Magme Guru


301.    Resistance:    The property of a material that determines how easily a charge can move through it. Resistance is measured in ohms

302.    Resistor:    An electrical device that slows the flow of charge in a circuit

303.    Resonance:    The strengthening of a sound wave when it com- bines with an object’s natural vibration.

304.    Respiration:    The exothermic process by which living things re- lease energy from glucose and oxygen and produce carbon dioxide and water.

305.    Retina:    A light-sensitive membrane at the back of the inside of the eye

306.    Retine:    It is the inner layer at the back of the vertebrate eye, which contains light-sensitive cells and nerve fibres.

307.    Robot:    It is a kind of machine that can do jobs without human help.

308.    Rocket:    It is a projectile driven by the reaction of gases produced by a fast-burning fuel.

309.    Satellite:    It is a kind of spacecraft.

310.    Satellite dish:    It is a kind of aerial.

311.    Saturated:    Containing the maximum amount of a solute that can be dissolved in a particular solvent at a given temperature and pressure

312.    Scattering:    The spreading out of light rays in all directions as particles reflect and absorb the light
313.    Screw:    A simple machine that is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. A screw can be used to raise and lower weights as well as to fasten objects

314.    Second:    A unit of time equal to one-sixtieth of a minute

315.    Seismograph:    It is an instruments that amplifies and record small movements of the ground caused by earthquakes or explosions.

316.    Semiconductor:    Crystalline material with an electrical conductivity between that of metals (good) and insulators (poor).

317.    Sensor:    It is a device that takes in and reacts to some kind of input energy and out puts a related electrical signal.

318.    Series circuit:    A circuit in which current follows a single path. Each device that is wired in a series circuit shares a path to and from the voltage source

319.    Shaft:    It is a rod which rotates and is connected to the axis of a wheel or a gear.

320.    Short circuit:    It is the accidental or deliberate joining of two parts of an electric circuit by a conductor of less resistance that allows an excessive current to flow, usually blowing a fuse.

321.    Silicon chip:    It is a kind of crystal.

322.    Simple machine:    One of the basic machines on which all other me- chanical machines are based. The six simple machines are the lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle, pulley, wedge, and screw

323.    Siphon:    It is a curved pipe or tube and is used to move liquids from one container to another.

324.    Solar cell:    A type of technology in which light-sensitive materials convert sunlight into electrical energy

325.    Solar energy:    It is energy derived from the sun’s radiation.

326.    Solder:    It is an alloy and is used to join together wires and electronics components.

327.    Solid:    Matter that has a definite shape and a definite volume. The molecules in a solid are in fixed positions and are close together

328.    Solstice:    One of the two times of each year when the sun reaches its maximum northerly or southerly position among the stars. In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice on June 21, is the longest day of the year and winter solstice on December 21 is the shortest day of the year.

329.    Solubility:    The amount of solute that dissolves in a certain amount of a solvent at a given temperature and pressure to produce a saturated solution

330.    Solute:    In a solution, a substance that is dissolved in a solvent

331.    Solution:    A mixture of two or more substances that is identical throughout; a homogeneous mixture

332.    Solvent:    In a solution, the substance that dissolves a solute and makes up the largest percentage of a solution

333.    Sonar:    Instruments that use echolocation to locate objects underwater; acronym for “sound navigation and ranging"

334.    Sound:    A type of wave that is produced by a vibrating object and that travels through matter

335.    Sound barrier:    It is the point at which an aircraft attains the speed of sound.

336.    Spark:    A high energy discharge through a gas that lasts for a very short time, it is accompanied by a flash of light and a sharp crackling noise.

337.    Specific heat:    The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius

338.    Spectrometer:    It is an instrument used to study the composition of light emitted by a source.

339.    Speed:    A measure of how fast something moves through a particular distance over a definite time period.Speed is distance divided by time

340.    Speed of light:    It is the speed at which light travels through emply space. Its value is  299,792, 458 metres per second.

341.    Speed of sound:    It is the speed at which sound travels through a medium, such as air on water. In air at a temperature of 00c, the speed of sound is 331 metres per second.

342.    States of matter:    The different forms in which matter can exist. Three familiar states are solid, liquid, and gas

343.    Static charge:    The buildup of electric charge in an object caused by the uneven distribution of charged particles

344.    Sublimation:    The process by which a substance changes directly from its solid state to its gas state without becoming a liquid first. 

345.    Substance:    Matter of a particular type. Elements, compounds, and mixtures are all substances

346.    Superconductor:    It is a substance which has no electrical resistance.

347.    Supersonic:    It means faster that the speed of sound.

348.    Suspension:    A mixture in which the different parts are identifiable as separate substances; a heterogeneous mixture

349.    System:    A group of objects or phenomena that interact. A system can be as simple as a rope, a pulley, and a mass. It also can be as complex as the interaction of energy and matter in the four parts of the Earth system.

350.    Technology:    The use of scientific knowledge to solve problems or engineer new products, tools, or processes.

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