Monday, June 29, 2020



1351). Consider the following pairs:
I. X rays - Rutherford
II. Atomic Nucleus - Roentgen
III. Artificial radioactivity - Curie and Juliot
Which of the pair given above is/are correct?
A). I only
B). II and Ill only
C). l and II only
D). III only

Answer: III only

1352). Consider the following statements and select the correct answer.
l. The path of a projectile is a parabola.
ll. The acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the earth is zero.
III. The gravitational constant does not have unit and dimensions.
A). Both l and II are correct but Ill is false
B). Both l and III are correct but II is false
C). I, II, III all are correct
D). Both II and III are correct but I is false

Answer: Both l and II are correct but Ill is false

1353). What is the relation between the voltage 'V' across the ends of a resistor 'R' and the current' 'l' which flows through it?
A). V=I^2/R
B). I = VR
C). I=V/R
D). V=I^2R

Answer: I=V/R

1354). The expansion of e-PPS is
A). Electronic Project Proposal System
B). Electronic Population Prediction System
C). Electronic Polymer Purchasing System
D). Electronic Petrol Purchasing System

Answer: Electronic Project Proposal System

1355). In 1905, Albert Einstein discovered
A). Photoelectric effect and Brownian motion
B). Brownian motion and special theory of relativity
C). Special theory of relativity and photoelectric effect
D). Photoelectric effect, special theory relativity and Brownian motion

Answer: Special theory of relativity and photoelectric effect

1356). 1) Dynamic lift of aeroplane is based on the principle of Bernoulli's theorem.
2) Glass is less elastic than rubber.
3) For a system free from external forces, linear momentum of the system remains constant. Which of the above statement is/are wrong?
A). (2) only
B). Both (2) and (3)
C). (3) only
D). Both (1) and (2)

Answer: (2) only

1357). A rocket 100m. long at rest starts to move with uniform motion of 0.8 C. What is its length as seen by an observer at rest? .
A). 60 cm.
B). 80 cm.
C). 100 cm.
D). 0

Answer: 60 cm.

1358). Which of the following has the highest ionizing power?
A). X-rays
B). Alpha rays
C). Beta rays
D). Gamma rays

Answer: Alpha rays

1359). Sound waves from a sounding car are
A). transverse waves
B). longitudinal waves
C). ultrasonic waves
D). stationary waves

Answer: longitudinal waves

1360). Cycle dynamo converts
A). Mechanical energy into thermal energy
B). Mechanical energy into electrical energy
C). Electrical energy into light energy
D). Electrical energy into thermal energy

Answer: Mechanical energy into electrical energy

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