Monday, June 29, 2020



1361). Which of these connected in parallel in a circuit will produce undamped oscillations?
A). R, L (Resistance, Inductance)
B). R, C (Resistance, Capacitance)
C). C, L (Capacitance, Inductance)
D). R, L and C (Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance)

Answer: C, L (Capacitance, Inductance)

1362). Which of the following statements are correct?
In an isothermal process,
a) the temperature of the gas remain constant
b) the gas does not take any heat from the surroundings.
c) the internal energy of the gas remains constant.
d) the pressure and volume of the gas remain constant.
A). (b) and (c) are correct
B). (c) and (d) are correct
C). (a) and (c) are correct
D). (a) and (d) are correct

Answer: (a) and (c) are correct

1363). Rutherford's experiments on scattering of alpha particles by thin foils established that
I. most of the mass of an atom is located in its nucleus
II. the nucleus of an atom has a positive charge
III. the nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons
IV. the electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom
Choose the right answer:
A). I and III are correct
B). II and III are correct
C). III and IV are correct
D). l and II are correct

Answer: l and II are correct

1364). A Voltameter is an instrument used to measure
A). voltage
B). e.m.t. of a cell
C). current
D). electrochemical equivalent

Answer: electrochemical equivalent

1365). The deviation of the charge distribution of a nucleus from spherical symmetry can be estimated by measuring its
A). Electric charge
B). Electric dipole moment
C). Magnetic dipole moment
D). Electric quadrupole moment

Answer: Electric quadrupole moment

1366). A patient was prescribed a lens of +2 dioptre for correcting his vision. What kind of lens does he need?
A). concave lens of focal length 0.5 m
B). convex lens of focal length 0.5 m
C). concave lens of focal length 2.0 m
D). convex lens of focal length 2.0 m

Answer: convex lens of focal length 0.5 m

1367). Which of the following physical quantities have same dimensions of ML^2T^−2K^−1?
A). Gas constant, Boltzmann constant, mass
B). Thermal conductivity, Resistivity, Gas constant
C). Pressure, Volume, Avagadro number
D). Thermal capacity, Gas constant, Blotzmann constant

Answer: Thermal capacity, Gas constant, Blotzmann constant

1368). An electronic circuit for generating alternating current of a desired frequency is
A). amplifier
B). modulator
C). detector
D). oscillator

Answer: oscillator

1369). A body weighs 900 kg on the surface of the earth. What will be its mass in a planet of 19
th the mass of the earth and half the radius of the earth?
A). 20.5 kg
B). 400 kg
C). 200 kg
D). 100 kg

Answer: 400 kg

1370). Modulus of elasticity is
A). strain / stress
B). stress/ strain
C). stress x strain
D). stress - strain

Answer: stress/ strain

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