631) Booker prize is awarded in the field ofA) Science
B) Social Service
C) Medicine
D) Literature
Answer: Literature
632) Philogy is the study of
A) Language
B) Fungi
C) Animal fossils
D) Teeth
Answer: Language
633) Author of the book, The City of Joy, is
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Dominique Lapierre
C) Salman Rushdie
D) HG. Wells
Answer: Dominique Lapierre
634) Who is the author of A Passage to England ?
A) E.M. Forster
B) Nirad C. Chaudhuri
C) G.B. Shaw
D) Winston Churchill
Answer: Nirad C. Chaudhuri
635) Who said, Some are born great, some achieve great ness, and some have greatness thrust upon them?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) William Shakespeare
D) Abraham Lincoln
Answer: William Shakespeare
636) Who is the author of the book My Experiments with Truth ?
A) Michael Anderson
B) James Morris
C) Mahatma Gandhi
D) Winston Churchill
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
637) The original name of Mahabharata is
A) Katha Saritsagar
B) Jai Samhita
C) Rajatarangini
D) Vraht Katha
Answer: Jai Samhita
638) The General happiness is the end of the state who said this ?
A) Green
B) Hegel
C) Plato
D) Bentham
Answer: Bentham
639) The book A Farewell to Arms was written by
A) Charles Dickens
B) Thomas Hardy
C) Ernest Hemingway
D) Huxley
Answer: Ernest Hemingway
640) Which is not a correct combination ?
A) Idols Sunil Gavaskar
B) Meghdoot Kalidas V
C) Prithivi Raj Raso Chand Bardai
D) Midnight's Children A Sanderson
Answer: Midnight's Children A Sanderson
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