641) Who has written the famous book Anna Karenina?A) Vlctor Hugo
B) Boris Pasternak
C) Lewis Carroll
D) Leo Tolstoy
Answer: Leo Tolstoy
642) Who among the following is the author of the book Nineteen Eighty Four ?
A) Emile Zola
B) Walter Scott
C) George Orwell
D) Thomas Hardy
Answer: George Orwell
643) Who wrote War and Peace ?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Rudyard Kipling
C) Leo Tolstoy
D) Charles Dickens
Answer: Leo Tolstoy
644) Who is the author of India' Wins Freedom ?
A) Dominique Lapierre
B) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
C) Maulana Azad
D) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Maulana Azad
645) Nature never did betray the heart that loved her is a quotation form
A) J. Byron
B) W. Wordsworth
C) J. Keats
D) P.B. Shelly
Answer: W. Wordsworth
646) Who said, God helps those who help themselves?
A) Swami Vivekananda
B) Andre Maurois
C) Algernon Sidney
D) Andre Gide
Answer: Algernon Sidney
647) Which of the following books is written by R.N. Tagore ?
A) Rakta Karabi
B) Anand Math
C) Chindambara
D) Durgesh Nandini
Answer: Rakta Karabi
648) The famous book The Daughter of the East is written by
A) Ms. Benazir Bhutto
B) Ms. Taslima Nasreen
C) Ms. Aungsan Suu Kyi
D) Ms. Bandarnaike Sirimavo
Answer: Ms. Benazir Bhutto
649) Lala Lajpat Rai is the author of the book
A) India Divided
B) Hind Swaraj
C) Unhappy India
D) Mother India
Answer: Unhappy India
650) The book Gullivers Travels was written by
A) Charles Lamb
B) Charles Dickens
C) Alexander Dumas
D) Jonathan Swift
Answer: Jonathan Swift
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