Monday, July 27, 2020



771) In the hot and humid regions of the tropics, the characteristic soils are
A) laterites
B) pedocals
C) pedalfers
D) alluvial

Answer: laterites
772) Which of the following soil is formed in the regions of ample rainfall and is characterised by abundance of aluminium and iron?
A) Pedocal
B) Pedalfer
C) Peat
D) Histosols

Answer: Pedalfer

773) In which of the following regions jaegers, geese, shorebird, songbird are found?
A) Tropical rain forest
B) Tropical savanna
C) Taiga
D) Tundra

Answer: Tundra

774) A system is in ________ when it is neither growing nor getting smaller but continues to be in complete operation.
A) dynamic equilibrium
B) equilibrium
C) closed state
D) feedback equilibrium

Answer: dynamic equilibrium

775) Plant succession in which vegetation change is brought about by some external environmental factor, such as disease, is called
A) pathogenic succession
B) exogenic succession
C) allogenic succession
D) autogenic succession

Answer: pathogenic succession

776) Impermeable rock layer that resists the infiltration of ground water, consists of tightly packed or interlocking Particles such as in shale is called
A) aquiclude
B) aquifer
C) confined aquifer
D) unconfined aquifer

Answer: aquiclude

777) Which order of the CSCS is supposed to be the most fertile soil in natural conditions?
A) Alfisol
B) Mollisol
C) Andisol
D) Vertisol

Answer: Alfisol

778) Match the following
List-I      List-II
(Vegetation)      (Occurrence)
A. Podsols      1. Temperate grasslands
B. Terra rossa      2. Hot desert
C. Chernozems      3. Cool temperate
D. Sierozems      4. Mediterranean

The below options are given in A B C D order

A) 2 3 1 4
B) 3 4 2 1
C) 3 4 1 2
D) 4 2 3 2

Answer: 3 4 1 2

779) Which one of the following gases is directly involved in chemical reactions affecting clay minerals and carbonate minerals in the soil?
A) O2
B) N2
C) CO2
D) H2

Answer: CO2

780) Consider the following statements. Statement-I : Clay layers are poor aquifers. Statement-II: The inter particle space of clay minerals is the least.
A) Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I
B) Both the statements are individually true but Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I
C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
D) Statement I is false but Statement I is true

Answer: Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

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