Monday, July 27, 2020



781) When the soils are related to the topography of a hill side, what represents a sequence of soil types down a slope?
A) Pedon
B) Polypedon
C) Catena
D) Clod

Answer: Catena

782) Which of the soils is the product of intense alkalisation and is charaterised by the presence of sodium carbonate?
A) Solonetz
B) Solodic
C) Solonchak
D) Halomorphic

Answer: Solonetz

783) The most suitable measure for soil conservation is
A) afforestation
B) irrigation
C) crop rotation
D) contour farming

Answer: afforestation

784) The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to
A) red soils
B) yellow soils
C) black soils
D) older alluvium

Answer: red soils

785) Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
A) Latosols : Scrubs
B) Chemozem : Savannas
C) Sierozem : Selvas
D) Podsol : Conifers

Answer: Podsol : Conifers

786) Laterite soils are formed due to
A) removal of silicates, lime and organic matter
B) decayed organic matter
C) disintegration of volcanic matter
D) deposition of limestone

Answer: removal of silicates, lime and organic matter

787) Which of the following is an azonal soil?
A) Sierozem
B) Podzol
C) Lithosol
D) Solanchak

Answer: Lithosol

788) The dominant Mediterranean scrub vegetation in Southern California is
A) Chaparral
B) muskeg
C) fynbos
D) campos

Answer: Chaparral

789) In which one of the following regions, water availability determines the tree growth and trees exhibit various adaptations to fire?
A) Tropical rain forest
B) Tropical savanna
C) Tropical desert
D) Taiga

Answer: Tropical savanna

790) The alluvial soils of the Gangetic valley are described as
A) lntrazonal
B) Azonal
C) Zonal
D) None of these

Answer: Azonal

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