Sunday, August 23, 2020



81) Match the following:

Pass                             State
A. Zoji La Pass              1.Sikkim
B. Bara Lacha Pass        2. Uttarakhand
C.Jelep La Pass             3. Himachal Pradesh
D. Niti Pass                   4. Jammu and Kashmir

    A B C D
A) 4 1 3 2
B) 2 3 1 4
C) 4 3 1 2
D) 2 1 3 4

Answer: 4 3 1 2

82) Which one of the following States in india has the broadest continental shelf?
A) Andhra Pradesh
B) Gujarat
C) Karnataka
D) Tamil Nadu

Answer: Gujarat

83) Which of the following are true regarding Chhota Nagpur?
1. It is one of the former princely states.
2. It is a plateau area in Jharkhand inhabited mainly by the tribals.
3. It is a name given to the contiguous tribal areas in Bihar, West Bengal. Orissa and MP.
A) 1 and 3
B) 2 and 3
C) 1 and 2
D) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: 1 and 2

84) The new alluvial deposits found in the Gangetic plain are known as:
A) bhabar
B) bhangar
C) khadar
D) terai

Answer: khadar

85) Match the following:
A. Bhabar 1. Younger alluvium
B. Terai 2. it is very porous
C. Bhangar 3. Has thick forest and wild life
D. Khadar 4. Older alluvium
A) 2 3 4 1
B) 1 2 3 4
C) 4 3 2 1
D) 4 3 1 2

Answer: 2 3 4 1


86) The correct order of the given hills from west to east is :
A) Garo-Jaintia-Naga-Khasi
B) Khasi-Naga-Jaintia-Garo
C) Khasi-GaroJaintia-Naga
D) Garo-KhasiJaintia-Naga

Answer: Garo-KhasiJaintia-Naga

87) A rift valley is formed mainly due to:
A) forces of tension in the earth's crust
B) the subsidence of the floor of a river valley
C) the valley formed after the formation of fold mountains
D) the deepening of a valley by ice action

Answer: the subsidence of the floor of a river valley

88) The Himalayas are generally divided into three ranges which do not include:
A) Siwalik
B) Greater Himalayas
C) Karakoram
D) Lesser Himalayas

Answer: Karakoram

89) The term 'Doab' means
A) Where the delta of river begins
B) Where two or more rivers meet
C) Land between two separate river systems
D) Land between two tributaries of a river

Answer: Land between two tributaries of a river

90) Which of the following statement is wrong regarding the "valley of kashmir"?
A) It is a synclinal valley
B) It is situated 'between'the Pir PanjaI Range and the Lesser Himalayas
C) It is drained by the river Jhelum
D) Previously it was. a bed of a great lake. subsequently UPIIfted

Answer: It is situated 'between'the Pir PanjaI Range and the Lesser Himalayas

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