Saturday, August 1, 2020



71) Which of the following is an example of Midlatitude desert ?
A) Sahara desert
B) Arabian desert
C) Thar desert
D) Patagonia desert

Correct Answer: Patagonia desert
72) The hottest place in the world is :
A) Tehran, Iran
B) Jaisalmer, India
C) Dallol, Ethiopia
D) Azizia, Libya

Correct Answer: Azizia, Libya
73) The driest spot on earth is in the Atacama desert, parts of which went without rain for 400 years. The Atacama is in :
A) Africa
B) Asia
C) Canada
D) South America

Correct Answer: South America
74) Deserts such as Sahara are generally found between 20 degree and 30 degree latitudes in western parts of the continents. This is because these regions :
A) are very hot throughout the year
B) have offshore winds through out the year
C) have warm offshore currents
D) lie in the belt of the doldrums

Correct Answer: have offshore winds through out the year
75) Match the following :
A. Desert 1. Coniferous forests
B. Mediterranean 2. Long grass
C. Steppes 3. Short grass
D. Taiga 4. Thick and smooth leaf trees
5. Thorny bushes
A) 1 4 3 2
B) 5 4 3 1
C) 1 3 2 5
D) 5 4 3 2

Correct Answer: 5 4 3 1

76) Which of the following statements is correct ?
A) Steppes are the temperate grasslands of South America
B) Prairies are the temperate grasslands of North America
C) Pampas are the temperate grasslands of South Australia
D) Forests with trees which do not shed their leaves seasonally are
called deciduous forests

Correct Answer: Prairies are the temperate grasslands of North America
77) The tropical rain forests are dense and varied because of :
A) their remote and inaccessible locations
B) very little interference from man
C) an abundance of moisture and warm temperature throughout the year
D) poor economic development

Correct Answer: an abundance of moisture and warm temperature throughout the year

78) Coniferous forests are in the region of :
A) high humidity and high temperature
B) low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year
C) low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter
D) heavy rainfall and high temperature during summer

Correct Answer: low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year
79) Which country falls in all three natural regions : Hot desert, Mediterranean and cool temperate type of climate ?
A) Chile
B) Israel
C) Lebanon
D) None of these

Correct Answer: Chile
80) Teak and Sal are the principal trees in the forests known as :
A) Dry deciduous
B) Dry evergreen
C) Tropical moist deciduous
D) Tropical moist evergreen

Correct Answer: Tropical moist deciduous

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