Saturday, August 1, 2020



81) which vegetation is called natural cattle country ?
A) Savanna
B) Downs
C) Selva
D) Prairies

Correct Answer: Downs
82) Which of the following regions bear mainly the coniferous forests ?
A) southern part of India
B) South American
C) Southern island of New Zealand
D) Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America

Correct Answer: Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America

83) Zebras inhabit :
A) coniferous forest regions
B) downs
C) equatorial regions
D) savanna lands

Correct Answer: savanna lands

84) Many Savanna regions are unable to support good crops because :
A) they have large tall grasses which form a canopy over the good crops
and do not allow them to grow
B) there are large number of animals in this region, which eat up the crops
C) the climate is too hot for the crops to grow
D) they have poor lateritic soil

Correct Answer: they have large tall grasses which form a canopy over the good crops and do not allow them to grow
85) Tropical deciduous or monsoonal forests occur in :
A) Siberia, Alaska, U.S.A., Canada
B) New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, France
C) Netherlands, Russia, Norway, U.K.
D) Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

Correct Answer: Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

86) Wine production is mainly carried out in which of the following natural regions ?
A) Equatorial region
B) Savanna
C) Mediterranean region
D) Coniferous forests

Correct Answer: Mediterranean region

87) Postaz are temperate grassland in :
A) Australia
B) South Africa
C) Hungary
D) Egypt

Correct Answer: Hungary

88) Which of the following statements about forests is not correct ?
A) Coniferous forests of high latitudes yield soft wood
B) Between 2000 m and 3000 m elevation on the Himalayas grow deodar, chinar
and walnut
C) Forests in equatorial regions of India are less dense than the monsoon forests
D) Large-scale exploitation of forests has caused soil erosion and repeated floods

Correct Answer: Forests in equatorial regions of India are less dense than the monsoon forests

89) Deciduous trees are those :
A) that grow up straight
B) that grow plenty in dry places
C) that never bear fruits
D) that shed their leaves during a certain season

Correct Answer: that shed their leaves during a certain season

90) Which of the following natural regions is known as 'the big game country' or
'a land of safari' ?
A) Tropical deserts
B) Equatorial regions
C) Temperate Grassland regions
D) Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions

Correct Answer: Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions

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