Thursday, December 31, 2020

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GA 01 Answers and Explanations


Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
 DDB NO: GA 01
General Awareness
1    C) George Gamow     
2    A) Supreme Court     
3    B) Canada
4    C) Indus         
5    A) Rajasthan  
6    B) Vienna
7    (C) the period of rotation of the Moon on its axis and period of revolution around the Earth is almost the same
8    (b) Venus
9    (c) Jupiter
10    (b) Earth
11    (b) Mars
12    (d) Uranus, Earth, Mars, Mercury
13    (d) Earth
14    (b) Jupiter
15    (b) Jupiter and Saturn
16    (c) it being too close to the Sun, gets hidden by the glare of the Sun
17    (a) sun
18    (a) Mercury and Venus
19    (d) Neptune
20    D. Mars
21    B. Venus                      
22    B. Venus                      
23    B. Venus                      
24    A. Venus                           
25    B. Venus                      
26    A. Venus                           
27    C. Venus                           
28    D. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec
29    C. Lord Pethick Lawrence    
30    C. Constituent Assembly
31    B. 9th December, 1946    
32    A. 299               
33    A. Dr. B.N. Rao            
34    B. under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946
35    B. 1946                      
36    A. Sachidananda Sinha          
37    D. B. R. Ambedkar
38    D. about 3 years since Dec 9, 1946
39    B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad   
40    C. Lucknow                 
41    C. by consensus      
42    C. Government of India Act, 1935                 
43    A. The Constituent Assembly of India was elected by the Provincial Assemblies in the year 1946
44    C. July, 1947                  
45    B. Indian Council Act, 1909
46    A. Indian Councils Act, 1909                                  
47    C. Government of India Act 1935                      
48    B. Government of India Act, 1858
49    B. August Offer         
50    A. Four lions                  
51    C. Government of India Act, 1858                         
52    A. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar   
53    C. June, 1948                
54    A. Jawaharlal Nehru                
55    C. It is a mixture of several Constitutions
56    C. Constitution of South Africa                         
57    D. New Delhi
58    C. Jawaharlal Nehru 
59    C. Lok Nayak Jayprakash Narayan                                 
60    A. Jawaharlal Nehru       
61    D. B.N. Rau
62    C. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so
63    C. Simon Commission                                    
64    A. this day was being celebrated as the Independence Day since 1929
65    D. M.N. Roy
66    A. elected by Provincial Assemblies                      
67    B. Mahatma Gandhi        
68    C. Jan 26, 1950                    
69    B. Government of India Act, 1919
70    B. Indian Councils Act, 1909
71    D. Governor-General
72    C. Bicameral Legislature  
73    D. Government of India Act, 1935
74    C. Complete independence guaranteed       
75    B. Canada                        
76    B. UK                 
77    D. A Federal Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution
78    B. French revolution  
79    A. Britain                 
80    A. British Monarch         
81    D. Preamble to the Constitution
82    A. Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister                     
83    A. Presidential Government                               
84    D. Legislature is responsible to Executive
85    D. Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency
86    B. British Constitution     
87    B. in times of Emergency
88    D. Parliamentary form of government
89    A. It is not enforceable in a court of law
90    D. Constitution of USA
91    D. a system of political and social philosophy that does not favour any particular religious faith
92    A. States are more powerful than the Centre                
93    C. linguistic and regional diversity               
94    D. We, the people of India – in our Constituent Assembly – adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
95    C. Preamble is the part of the basic structure of the Constitution and can be amended only if no change in the basic structure is made
96    A. 42nd Amendment of the Constitution                    
97    D. it has separate entity in the Constitution
98    C. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic  
99    B. the Head of the State is elected by the people
100    B. contains the spirit of the Constitution
101    D. Federalism
102    D. Preamble to the Constitution
103    D. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
104    D. has no hereditary elements
105    C. Article 25, would enable the Court to ensure freedom guaranteed under that Article
106    A. England                    
107    A. 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 12 Schedules              
108    C. Erstwhile USSR                 
109    D. eliminate class based society
110    D. Secular - State is without any religion of its own
111    D. the Objectives Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly
112    C. preamble        
113    D. Distribution of powers between the Centre and States
114    D. federal in form and unitary in spirit
115    C. a dark plain on the moon
116    B. astronomical distance
117    D. all of these
118    D. temperature
119    C. 105 light years
120    C. Cosmic year
121    D. a dying star
122    C. atmospheric refraction   
123    C. the period of rotation of the Moon on its axis and period of revolution around’ the Earth is almost the same
124    C. Johanries Kepler    
125    C. a group of stars                         
126    B. after it enters the earth’s atmosphere and explodes in mid air as a ball of fire
127    D. They are a kind of a star
128    C. gravitation and centrifugal force                       
129    D. 4.2 light years
130    B. 1.3 sec                      
131    A. their composition                               
132    A. because earth rotates about its axis                  
133    D. black
134    C. Galileo                         
135    B. molten lava                     
136    B. elliptical orbits usually accompanied by a long shining tail
137    B. Rotation of Earth
138    A. short waves
139    C. the orbit of Venus is inside the earth’s orbit whereas the orbit of Jupiter lies outside the orbit of the earth
140    B. Jupiter                  
141    A. The Earth is the densest of all the planets in our solar system
142    B. 2116 AD              
143    D. Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn
144    B. Hydrogen                  
145    B. Hale-Bopp              
146    A. contracted star with intense gravitational pull         
147    D. constellation
148    C. Mars and Jupiter    
149    C. 76 years                    
150    A. circular and elliptic                                   
151    C. black                              
152    B. 149                     
153    C. binaries                            
154    D. Dark patches on the surface of the Sun resulting from a localised fall in the temperature to about 4000 K
155    D. Sun
156    D. Pole star lies in the axis of spin of the earth
157    D. corona
158    C. Article 29 and 30  
159    D. Freedom of the press
160    A. Fundamental Right            
161    B. Right to Equality
162    A. war or external aggression                  
163    C. limited government                                          
164    C. the Cultural and Educational Rights                    
165    D. First in the Supreme Court and then in the High Court
166    A. religion                       
167    D. All of the above are correct
168    A. all persons living within the territory of India          
169    B. Fifth                 
170    C. Article 17                         
171    C. Right to Personal liberty - Include right to carry on any trade or business
172    D. available only according to law made by Parliament
173    C. life and personal liberty under Article 21
174    B. India that is Bharat          
175    C. the official language of the Union of India
176    B. 14 years                 
177    B. Acquiring property                
178    A. Parliament                
179    C. If born in India, only that person can acquire citizenship at least one of whose parents is an Indian
180    A. children of the diplomatic personnel or alien enemies born in India on or after 26th January, 1950
181    B. Part II, Articles 5-11         
182    D. Article 9
183    A. He or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was born in India as defined in the Government of India Act, 1935
184    B. the Citizenship Act, 1955
185    D. father or mother is a citizen of India at the time of the person’s birth
186    D. five years
187    D. Right to Constitutional Remedies
188    D. Protection of life and personal liberty against action without authority of law
189    B. Supreme Court             
190    A. traffic in human beings, beggary, slavery and bonded labour            
191    A. citizens and non-citizens                  
192    B. Freedom to acquire, hold and dispose of property
193    B. President of India
194    D. part of bask structure of essential framework of the Constitution
195    C. resources available to the Government        
196    C. Fundamental Duties       
197    A. an amendment of the Constiution                
198    C. 11                                     
199    D. no more than meant to create psychological consciousness among the citizens and of education value
200    C. Swaran Singh Committee                                      

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