Thursday, December 31, 2020

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GA 02 Answers and Explanations


Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
 DDB NO: GA 02
General Awareness
1    B. Fundamental Duty of every citizen
2    B. curbing subversive and unconstitutional activities
3    B. Union of States     
4    A. Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oilfields
5    D. This right has been given to all Indian children between the ages of 6 to 14 Years under the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act
6    C. Parliament    
7    A. fundamental right                                                    
8    B. Power of state legislature : Altering the name of the state
9    C. Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property anywhere in the country
10    A. lay down positive instructions which would guide State Policy at all levels
11    A. Golaknath Case                                
12    B. Freedom to speech
13    C. Right to Education    
14    A. To vote in public elections                 
15    B. Centre and States
16    A. the President or a Governor                         
17    B. has to be judged by the test of reasonableness
18    B. below 14 years of age from being employed in hazardous occupations
19    B. Parliament
20    B. all persons in case of infringement of any fundamental right
21    B. property; 44th
22    A. Article 24               
23    B. Directive Principle        
24    A. Article 45              
25    B. Part IV                  
26    B. To develop the scientific temper
27    D. Promotion of cottage industries
28    D. Uniform civil code for the country
29    D. It allocates seats in the Council of States
30    B. contains subjects over which Municipalities may have control
31    A. First                     
32    B. Directive Principles of State Policy
33    A. English                            
34    C. Concurrent List           
35    B. Citizenship
36    C. Interior of the Earth    
37    D. a combination of all the above three forms of energy
38    D. oxygen bound to carbon
39    B. The seasons would not have changed
40    D. temperature
41    D. asthenosphere
42    D. all of the above
43    D. west to east
44    D. oblate spheroid
45    B. 6400 km
46    A. December 22
47    B. 111km
48    D. the moon, the sun and the earth are in the same line
49    A. along the Equator
50    B. degree of hardness of minerals
51    C. annular
52    B. 7 minutes 40 seconds
53    A. 510 million sq km
54    C. 40,000 Km
55    C. 12,800 Km
56    C. Melbourne
57    D. 36,000 km
58    A. 22 km
59    B. January 3rd
60    C. July 4th
61    B. the pole star
62    A. Tropical deserts
63    D. Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
64    A. Central core
65    C. 10.00 p.m
66    B. Oxygen
67    B. All parallels in the northern hemisphere have days equal to nights
68    D. equator to poles
69    C. Only one great circle can be drawn on a sphere
70    D. Moon, sun and earth lie along a straight line
71    B. solstice                  
72    B. winter solstice              
73    A. June 21                   
74    C. The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian
75    B. equator               
76    C. When the sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer
77    B. 50 miles                
78    D. 60°S
79    C. India and Saudi Arabia         
80    D. All are equal
81    D. both iron and magnesium in the plastic state
82    D. Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents
83    A. longitude is divided from prime meridian while latitude is from equator
84    B. Both equator and longitudes are great circles
85    B. at equator               
86    D. angles from the equator
87    D. run perpendicular to each other
88    D. 0° E or 0°W longitude – Equator
89    D. zenith distance of the full moon when on the meridian
90    D. Core
91    B. 41 km
92    C. 10,002 km
93    D. 24 hrs
94    D. Both its climate and its latitude
95    B. Asia
96    B. Tropic of Cancer            
97    C. Japan being the Eastern most country in the World, it has the earliest sunrise
98    B. Revolution
99    D. 9.72 km/sec
100    B. Apigee
101    D. Poles have days and nights of 6 months duration
102    D. the amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth’s surface
103    C. twice a year
104    D. parallelism of inclined axis of the earth
105    C. The time during which the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis in respect of the fixed stars
106    A. January
107    A. 1° per day
108    C. 21st March to 23rd September
109    B. places diametrically opposite on earth’s surface
110    D. Nickel and Iron
111    B. Sun-rays falling on the earth are inclined more towards the sun in winter
112    A. Eratosthenes 
113    A. insolation                 
114    B. earth comes between the sun and the moon
115    C. the moon’s orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earth
116    B. Full moon             
117    B. the size of the shadow of the Moon on the Earth is small compared to the cross-section of the Earth
118    C.  Moon comes between sun and earth
119    A. perihelion
120    B. Aplheuon
121    C. 30° East                    
122    B. 8.00 A.M.               
123    B. Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia
124    D. Sideral year
125    B. 24                                
126    C. Because of its long east-west stretches
127    D. Carbon
128    B. China                   
129    B. standard time of the country
130    D. 12 Noon on Tuesday
131    B. 12°50’ W
132    D. 8 : 30 p. m. of previous day
133    C. 30° East and 75° West
134    C. 82°30’ E
135    A. Ghana                         
136    D. the same as that of A
137    C. Aleutian Islands
138    C. Thursday
139    C. 18.30 hrs
140    D. different phases of the moon
141    B. 8.26 A.M.                
142    B. Africa – North America – South America – Europe
143    A. In the South Atlantic Ocean
144    B. 35° north and 100° east
145    C. 1:30 PM
146    C. 111 km
147    D. 30,000 km
148    B. mid-latitudes
149    C. A periodic rise and fall of sea water caused by the gravitational force of moon and sun on earth
150    A. crust             
151    C. water needs more energy to get warm                  
152    C. 966 million kms              
153    B. earth is inclined towards its orbital plane
154    D. Torrid Zone
155    C. The Sun’s rays are vertical at all places on the days of the equinoxes
156    A. clouds                                  
157    A. 47%
158    C. heat balance of earth 
159    B. equator     
160    C. the Tropic of Capricorn  
161    C. the outer core and the lower mantle
162    D. Yeme
163    B. Silica
164    C. At Mumbai the sun can come overhead, but it will never do so at Delhi
165    C. Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere
166    C. Spring tide
167    C. trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide
168    A. Bering strait
169    C. does not divide a group of islands under the same administration
170    B. it gains one day
171    A. 12.00noon
172    B. 35°
173    C. One hour
174    D. 5 p.m. of Sunday, the 13th June
175    C. 0° E or W
176    C. the same day at 7:30 a.m.                        
177    C. Sunday                               
178    C. 3.30 P.M.                   
179    D. 30° N Lat., 130°W long
180    D. 7.04 a.m.
181    A. 356
182    A. 1 month
183    C. if the President, on receipt of a report from the Governor of the State, or otherwise, is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the Government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution
184    D. can be reviewed as it is malafide
185    A. Rajya Sabha and then will continue till the reconstitution of new Lok Sabha which must approve it within 30 days of its first sitting
186    C. impeachment of President
187    C. for an indefinite period if both Houses of Parliament approves the proclamation after every six months
188    B. two months unless before that period it has been approved by resolution of both Houses of Parliament
189    A. cannot legislate
190    A. the Parliament is empowered under Article 250 to legislate with respect to any matter in the State List
191    C. President can suspend the normal allocation of revenues
192    B. Punjab
193    C. 343
194    B. Article 16
195    D. may be altered by Parliament by ordinary legislation
196    B. Part XIV, Chapter I, and Articles 308-324
197    A. Article 257
198    A. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes          
199    C. thrice                                   
200    A. Article 267                

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