Thursday, December 31, 2020

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liners 01 Answers and Explanations


Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 

 DDB NO: GK One liners 01

GK One liners


1    Vitamin D
2    Zonda
3    Hemoglobin
4    Fungi
5    ATP
6    Kidney
7    0.8 second
8    Vitamin K
9    Liver
10    This increase KBC in boely
11    Duodenum
12    Meningitis
13    Mirablius
14    Cotton Industry
15    TSH
16    Left Ventricle
17    Splean
18    Myosin
19    Water
20    Main cells
21    Rifampicin
22    4
23    Sphygmology
24    Bear
25    Thymus
26    Gambusia
27    Amphibean
28    Euchlorella
29    Gout
30    Mitochondria
31    Fluorine
32    Tuberculosis
33    Carbohydrate
34    Thigh
35    8
36    Heparin
37    Water
38    Respiration
39    Virus
40    Liver
41    Iron
42    Pancreas
43    Nastic movement
44    3
45    Starch
46    Anemia
47    Protein
48    Plant fossils
49    Jatropha curcas
50    38 ATP
51    Nicotine
52    Liver
53    Spleen
54    Immunisation
55    AB
56    Kornberg
57    Cabbage
58    C.N. Banard
59    Frog
60    Due to hemoglobin
61    Reduce transpiration
62    Large intestine
63    Urea
64    Secondary teeth
65    Melanin
66    Pitcher plant
67    Neuron
68    Tape worm
69    Cycus
70    Four
71    Respiration
72    Sugarcane
73    Ultrasound
74    A nerve
75    DNA
76    Ptyalin
77    Insects
78    Cytochromes
79    Latic Acid
80    Hyper secretion of thyroid
81    Lemon
82    Lungs
83    For increase blood pressure
84    Mustard gas
85    Hemocyanine
86    Five liter
87    Mitochondria
88    RNA
89    Biopsy test
90    5.0 million
91    Cellulose
92    Europe
93    It helps in digestion of cellulose
94    Xerophytes
95    Chloroplasts
96    Pituitary
97    Outside the mother's body
98    Phloem
99    Drup
100    Related to loss of memory
101    Scurvy
102    Analogous organs
103    Emphysama
104    Nitrate
105    Loss of the sense of smell
106    Sprouted gram and groundnuts
107    98.4 ° F
108    Cercosplora personata
109    Taiga
110    Calcium phosphate
111    Iodine
112    Mycorrhizae
113    Typhoid
114    Cambium
115    Four
116    Fruitose
117    Ventral nerve cord
118    Fat soluble Vitamin
119    Sparrow
120    Serology
121    Sand fly
122    Genetics
123    Bone
124    Pollination
125    Water
126    Fungi
127    Cobalt
128    Spider
129    Parmelia
130    Pituitary
131    Cobalt
132    Hemoglobin
133    Frog
134    Stilt
135    Vitamin - C
136    45 g
137    Pharmacology
138    Protein
139    Hypothalamus
140    Hookworm
141    Embryology
142    Garlic
143    Lymphocyte
144    60
145    Adernal gland
146    Kitone body
147    Chromosomes
148    Degeneration of nerve cells
149    Ecology
150    Ptela none
151    Lactic acid
152    anthocyanins
153    100-120 days
154    White of egg
155    Xylem vessel system
156    Islets of langerhans
157    Mitochondria
158    Alexzander Fleming
159    Colour blindness
160    Linneus
161    O
162     Fat
163    A thousand
164    Cardiology
165    Cones
166    Blood clot
167    Chloroplast
168    Liver
169    Nephron
170    Vitamin A
171    Small intestine
172    Due to the presence of heparin
173    206
174    Vitamin D
175    Guava
176    Kerotein
177    Leprosy
178    Beri-Beri
179    King cobra
180    Chloramphenical
181    700
182    High concentration of sugar
183    Calcium
184    Photosynthesis
185    Father
186    Duretic
187    Ptyalin
188    Fresh vegetable
189    Exereation
190    24
191    Fat
192    Internal age
193    Stem
194    Chronic diarrhoea
195    46
196    K
197    Plasma membrane
198    Hypothalmus
199    4
200    AB
201    7.20%
202    Glyoxysomes
203    Carbohydrate
204    Diarrhea
205    Oxysomes
206    Medulla oblangata
207    Algae
208    Robert Koch
209    Mund (Starch)
210    Below the brain
211    Fructose
212    Oil in Unsaturation
213    300 gm
214    Blood Plasma
215    Bat
216    From pituitary gland
217    Cholera
218    Oviduct
219    Weisman
220    Citrus fruit
221    Sugar
222    Tidal flat
223    7.4
224    A biological community
225    Bone to bone
226    Disorder of value
227    Liver
228    99%
229    31 pair
230    Reproductive system
231    Film in the camera
232    Intestine
233    Lemurs
234    A or O
235    Liver
236    72 times
237    William Harvey
238    Testestrone
239    Second incisor
240    80/120 mm Hg
241    Malphigion tubule
242    Saffron
243    Increase growth in length
244    Skull
245    Gambusia
246    Mechanical support
247    Floriculture
248    Hypothalamus gland
249    Plumonary vein
250    Vitamin - D
251    Vitamin D
252    Night blindness
253    Afferent arteriole
254    7.35-7.45
255    Vitamin C
256    Xerophytes
257    Xylum
258    Vitamin - A
259    Pituitary
260    Thyroid
261    Caterpillar
262    Thyroid
263    Protein synthesis
264    To regulate body temperature
265    Stigma
266    Cancer
267    Angina
268    Vitamin B12
269    Oparin
270    Vitamin A
271    Spleen
272    Vitamin - A
273    Absorption of calcium from food
274    Arthropoda
275    A pigment
276    Hemoglobin
277    By combining various foods
278    Death of tissues of the brain
279    Rubber
280    Nucleic acid
281    Reptiles
282    Thyroid
283    Cristae
284    Aquarium
285    Starch
286    Oxytocin
287    Insuline
288    Bacteria
289    Phloem
290    Baden Powell
291    Food web
292    Tropical rainforests
293    Thyroid gland
294    Pancreas
295    By trachea system
296    120 days
297    For carbon monoxide
298    Homeothermic
299    Liver
300    Low amount blood carries to the heart
301    Parathyroid hormone
302    Gastrin
303    Hargobind Khurana
304    Cellulose
305    Third molar
306    Pine, cedar, fir
307    Soyabean
308    Vitamin C
309    Keroten
310    Diffussion
311    Agrobacterium tumefaciens
312    Rennin
313    Nicotine
314    Carbohydrate
315    Pancrease
316    Photobiology
317    Bacterium
318    Heart
319    Scurvy
320    Liver
321    Permanent tissue
322    Leaves
323    Tubers
324    Monocyte
325    Voice box in Birds
326    Birds
327    Arthropoda
328    D
329    Hemal system
330    Pitutary gland
331    Lamarck
332    Mediterranean region
333    Soybean and Ground nut
334    Small pox
335    Caesin, laetose
336    Kingcobra
337    In bone marrow
338    Bone
339    Phytophthora infestans
340    By Pituitary gland
341    Escherichia coli
342    Femur
343    1.36 kg
344    Fight from disease in body
345    Hydrogen bonding
346    Sphleen
347    Fiscal deficit
348    Potassium
349    Leaves
350    Rabies virus
351    Iron
352    Echidna
353    Pleiotropic
354    Adventitious root
355    Auxins
356    Lymphocytes
357    Histology
358    Vitamin A
359    Frogs and snakes
360    Voluntary muscle
361    Thigh bone
362    Southern Blotting
363    C
364    Growing different crops-in succession
365    Nephron
366    Jonas Salk
367    Poterior
368    Vitamin - D
369    Gonds
370    Meristematic tissue

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