Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Animals Deserve The Same Rights As Humans And Should Not Be Used By Humans For Food And Research - 10 mins Seminar Notes

Animals Deserve The Same Rights As Humans And Should Not Be Used By Humans For Food And Research - 10 mins Seminar Notes

•    The animals is one of living things like the humans. Some people believe that animal should be kept and treated well because they have the same rights as the humans. Others people think that animal should be used for food, cloths, education and research.

Pros On Animal Require Rights?

•    As a god creature animals live and they have the same feelings like humans do like pain suffering frustration happiness etc. People who advocated the animals rights think animals are equal as human so they deserve the same treatment. People must not use animal for their necessity

•    For instance using animal for experiments using them for entertainment business killing them for foods or making cloths and many others is inhuman. These activities not only hurt the animals by destroy the balance of nature.

•    In this case, people with this point of view believe that exploitation and violence in animals are cruel behavior.

Cons On Animal Require Rights

•    In contrast some people argue that animals are created to fulfill human needs. They have lot of benefits for human life.

•    Firstly animals can be used for education Many scientist utilize animals for their research like biology or medical can really help people to enrich their knowledge about earth phenomena and also to find new medications for helping humans

•    Animals are really important as food source. They can provide human nutrition

•    Ex: Fishes, Crabs ,Lobster and meat are containing protein which is needed for human health


•    I believe that animals give many benefits for humans. They can help improving human life, especially provide food. However people should treat them in good ways

•    I agree that animals deserve to be treated well but it does not mean that they must be treated as equal as human.

Presented by

Preethi M

SSC Student

Magme School of Banking

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