Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 02 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 02 (English)

1 Anthracite

2 Plutonium

3 Fluorine

4 Gold

5 Phosphoric acid

6 Oxalic acid

7 Carbon dioxide

8 Cathode rays

9 Salt water

10 Energy

11 Oxygen and Moisture

12 Rate of flow of Liquid

13 Acetic acid

14 HCO3 ion

15 Dichloro Methane

16 Copper and gold

17 Methane (CH4)

18 Exonuclease

19 Increases

20 Sponification

21 Polyethylene

22 Nitrous oxide

23 Decreases

24 Positive Helium ion

25 Iron

26 Deforestation

27 Paper

28 Cold water

29 Cathode

30 Red phosphorus

31 Fluorine

32 Silver

33 Ozone

34 Ammonia

35 Photochemical Smoke

36 As antiplague drug

37 Gold

38 Boran and Cadmium

39 Acetylsalicylic acid

40 6.023 x 10^23

41 Carbon dioxide

42 Polyethylene

43 1915

44 Carbon monoxide

45 Lyophilic

46 Chromatography

47 Chlorofluoro carbons

48 Because it is acidic

49 Coolant

50 Wrought Iron

51 Nitrogen

52 Halite

53 Sulphur dioxide

54 Fission

55 By adding washing soda

56 Annealing

57 Hydrogen

58 Sulphonates

59 Colloidal silver bromite

60 Isoelectronic

61 Ammonia

62 Iodine

63 Battery

64 Water and petrol are immiscible with each other and petrol which forms upper Layer continuous to burn.

65 Citric acid

66 Tranquilizer

67 Exchange forces

68 Sand and sodium bicarbonate 


70 Iron

71 Zymase

72 b Fallopian tube

73 Adernal gland

74 Root

75 Bat

76 omnivore

77 Adernile

78 Mitochondria

79 Pine oil

80 Soyabean

81 Vitamin K

82 Vitamin K

83 Cylindrical lens

84 Thyroid

85 Sand fly 

86 Flower

87 Hydrophobia

88 Brain

89 Protoplasm

90 Spleen

91 Aestivation

92 Thyroid

93 Rennin

94 Large intestine

95 Mysore

96 Shark

97 Blue and red

98 Soy-bean and groundnut

99 Hydrophyily

100 Albumin

101 55

102 Groundnut

103 Nerves

104 Ribosomes

105 ATP

106 Hemoglobin

107 Pitcher plant

108 Khurana

109 Cell of brain

110 Towards the heart

111 Stem cell

112 Fatty tissue

113 Darwin

114 In thoracic cavity

115 Glycogen

116 Earth worm

117 Heredity

118 Cinchona

119 Maltose

120 Thigh

121 S c l e r o s p o r a graminicola

122 2123/2123

123 Small pox

124 Sodium nitroperoxide test

125 Liver

126 Proper bad meditation

127 Grapes

128 Amphibea

129 Inner part of ear

130 Plasma lemma

131 1

132 Thyroid

133 Prop root

134 A

135 Royal haemophilia

136 Hypothalmus

137 Euglena

138 Linnaeus

139 Transportation of blood to different

140 Medulla oblongata

141 Increase

142 Protozoa

143 Glucose

144 Canine teeth

145 Dermatology

146 A protein

147 Clawed wings, teeth on jaw, tail

148 Vectors

149 Vitamin A

150 Chromatography

151 Madhya Pradesh

152 Abnormal valve

153 Root hairs

154 Vitamin K

155 Goat

156 Head

157 Euclyptus

158 Osmoregulation

159 Estrogen

160 3

161 DNA

162 700

163 For activity of thyroid gland

164 Classification

165 S.A. Node

166 Pythen

167 Carbon dioxide

168 Arthropoda

169 Thallophytes

170 The process of osmosis

171 Serum

172 Small intestine

173 Biology and diversity

174 Malaria

175 70-80 per minute

176 Thyroid cartilage

177 Enzyme

178 Carotene

179 Father

180 Meiosis

181 Calcium of phosphate

182 Chloroplast

183 Dr. F G. Banting

184 Aslorbic acid

185 Fungi

186 Loss of body heat

187 If the external medium is hypotonic

188 Lactogenic hormone

189 Thyroxine

190 Humerus and Femur

191 Nucleolus

192 Dialysis

193 Carrot

194 In base of the brain

195 Lactose

196 Collenchyma

197 Aderline

198 Adernal gland

199 Cod liver oil

200 Ribosomes

201 Goiter

202 Cattle

203 Bacteria, microalgae and fungi.

204 Hungary

205 Acid to water

206 T cells in blood

207 A and AB (A donor)

208 Increase

209 Sucrose

210 Echinodermata

211 Snake

212 180-200 mg%

213 Fungi

214 Liver

215 Choroid

216 13.30%

217 Carbohydrates

218 Hypothalamus

219 Dr.  Venugopal

220 Blood

221 Retro virus

222 Banana, potato and rice

223 180-200 mg%

224 Pylorus

225 206

226 Genetics

227 Vitamins

228 Fructose

229 Cerebrum

230 Malacology

231 Bacteria

232 Adernal cortex

233 Folic acid

234 Calcium and iron

235 1 percent

236 A.F. Bating

237 Fibrinogen

238 Cardamom

239 Semangs of Malaysia

240 Rickets

241 Nodulated root

242 Mitochondrium

243 Adrenalin

244 Goiter

245 Vultur

246 Basic unit of Nerous system

247 Xylem

248 Low moisture

249 DNA finger printing

250 Calcium Hydroxy apetite

251 Contour ploughing

252 72 time

253 Carbon

254 Kidney

255 Retina

256 Leaf

257 Actin and myosin

258 Progestron

259 Medulla oblongata

260 Genetics

261 SA node

262 120 mm and 80 mm

263 Kwashiorkor

264 Unicellular algae

265 Fibrogen

266 Keratein

267 Leaf spot of rice

268 Cycus

269 Soyabean protein

270 Aspirin

271 Copper

272 46 gram

273 Throat

274 120 day

275 Blue-eyed people

276 5-6 liters

277 Epithelium tissue

278 Plastid

279 Iron and Vitamin C

280 Anemia

281 Quantitative analysis of DNA

282 Yeast

283 Bihar and Uttar Pradesh

284 Calcium oxalate

285 Iseimia

286 Rauwolffia species

287 Clove

288 Endocrine glands

289 leaf

290 Tetanus

291 Liver

292 General health of epithelial tissue

293 Osteoporosis

294 Vitamin D

295 Skin

296 Citric Acid

297 656

298 80-100 mg

299 Functional post anal tail

300 Muscles ear lobe

301 C

302 Potass alum

303 Frog

304 Glucose

305 From 7.5 to 8

306 Bat

307 120/80 mm Hg

308 Transfer of RNA

309 From leaf

310 Nepenthes

311 In the skin of the armpits

312 30

313 As catalyst

314 Frog

315 Spleen

316 500:01:00

317 17-30 years

318 CO2

319 Ronal ross

320 Helotism

321 Upper teeth

322 Artery

323 Teeth

324 Sodium chloride

325 Cumulus

326 Hydra

327 Nitrate

328 DNA

329 Rhizobium

330 Nitrogen

331 Lime Stone and clay

332 Hydrazine

333 Oxygen

334 Micro waves

335 8

336 Hydrogen

337 Biomass

338 Nitrate, Sulphur and Charcoal

339 Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2

340 Sodium carbonate

341 6

342 Argon

343 Chadwick

344 Water containing heavy Isotopes of Hydrogen atom

345 Neutron

346 Fluorine

347 Cyclonite

348 Hydrogen fluoride

349 Giger - Muller counter

350 Lead

351 Isotopes

352 CO2

353 5

354 A sulphur compound

355 Vulcanization

356 2, 8, 8, 2

357 Allopathic

358 Sulphuric acid

359 in the form of Humidity]

360 Bark

361 Joseph Aspdin

362 Wood

363 Fractional distillation

364 Red phosphorus

365 Robert Koch

366 Common Salt

367 Metal

368 D2O

369 Constant heating

370 Rayon

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