Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 03 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 03 (English)

1 Plumbism

2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

3 Less than 90 °

4 Lead

5 3:01

6 60 C atoms

7 Straight line

8 20

9 Nitrogen oxide

10 Karnataka

11 Lead

12 A pain killer

13 Magnesium bicarbonate

14 Residual chlorine

15 Distillation

16 Mercury

17 Underground water

18 Cooking

19 Magnetite

20 Positron

21 5

22 Gamma emission

23 Octane number

24 Exothermic reaction

25 Advection

26 Number of electrons

27 Pyrometallurgy

28 High octane fuel

29 Increases

30 SO2 and NO2

31 dehydrated agent

32 Crust

33 Urea

34 Photoelectric effect

35 Hiroshima

36 Kerosene oil 

37 Aluminium sulphate

38 100 ° C

39 Carbon Monoxide

40 Na2CO3

41 Sulphur

42 Lowering of PH of soil

43 Hg

44 Prevents freezing of petrol

45 Nitrogen

46 Hexose Sugar

47 Non-Combustible

48 x-rays and gamma rays

49 Saudi Arabia

50 Ethane

51 Gold

52 Methane

53 Ionisation of salt

54 Gravitational and Nuclear

55 Dry season

56 Maltose

57 Sodium or potassium salts of heavier fatty acids

58 Sulphide ore

59 Chloroquin

60 Nichrome

61 sometimes more and sometimes equal to its atomic number

62 Sulphur dioxide

63 Ammonia

64 Bauxite

65 Mercury

66 Amphoteric

67 Highly volatile

68 Rodenticide

69 Lactic acid

70 Nichrome

71 35 gm

72 Election Commission

73 Urease

74 Water containing Maximum density

75 Sea water

76 Suspended particle

77 Temperature

78 Peraxyacetyl Nitrate

79 Functional group

80 Isoprene

81 Liver

82 Seaborg

83 Boron

84 Fermi

85 Measuring flask

86 Hydrogen

87 Histamine

88 Colorless gas with rotten egg smell

89 Nicotin

90 Argon

91 Deliquescent

92 helium

93 Calcination

94 Teflon

95 Crystallography

96 Transition Metals

97 Ethylene

98 Proton, electron, Neutron

99 By radiation only

100 Carbon

101 Has Higher elasticity

102 Pokhran

103 3.50%

104 630C for 30 min

105 One proton and one neutron

106 Preventing rapid settling of cement

107 Radium

108 Loss of electrons

109 Peat

110 Fermi

111 Aldehyde

112 Calcinations

113 Gibberellic acid

114 OF2

115 Isotones

116 Methanoic acid

117 Mesolithic

118 Uranium

119 Dibasic

120 Ethanol

121 F2O

122 Methane

123 Reduction

124 Calcium

125 Eugenol

126 Protons and neutrons

127 HClO4

128 Remains same

129 Lichen

130 Collagen

131 Supper cooled Liquid

132 Glucose and Fructose

133 Carbon dioxide

134 Liebig's method

135 Plutonium-239

136 Increases

137 Methanol

138 0-14

139 Thermocouple

140 Bauxite

141 Iris

142 Positive

143 Titusfills inPennsylvania, U.S.A.1

144 Enloroxylenol

145 Methane

146 Methane

147 White blood cells

148 Conversion of water into steam

149 Parthenocarpy

150 Acidic

151 Nichrome

152 Coagulation

153 Lead

154 Carbon monoxide and Hydrogen

155 Sodium citrate

156 Cryolite

157 Galvanization1

158 Chlorine

159 Aluminum

160 6500 k

161 Hydrocarbons

162 Radon gas

163 Sulphur dioxide

164 Magnetic Quantum number

165 Carbon dioxide (CO2)

166 Henri Becquerel

167 Sodium salts of benzoic acids

168 ZnS

169 Due to impurities

170 Helium

171 HNO3

172 Lignite

173 Slate

174 Carbon dioxide

175 Nitrates

176 Sulphur dioxide gas

177 4

178 200 times

179 Hydrogen

180 Sustain body temperature


182 Fission

183 White

184 Methyl Alcohol

185 Al (Aluminium)

186 Cations

187 Rn

188 1/10th

189 200 mg

190 Copper

191 The presence of Isotopes

192 Red phosphorous

193 Hydrogen

194 Near the industrial areas

195 Copper

196 Mesons

197 Sublimation of sodium to emit yellow color

198 Diamagnetic

199 It rises

200 Corrosion

201 Roger beckon

202 Lime stone

203 Oxidation of cellulose

204 324

205 Butane and propane

206 Bromine

207 Positron

208 CO2

209 Ethylene

210 Water vapors

211 Cavendish

212 Iron oxide

213 Quartz glass

214 Increases

215 Argon

216 Indonesia

217 Benzene Hexa Chloride

218 Acetic acid

219 Acetone

220 High octane fuel

221 Neon

222 15 days

223 Conversion of Mass into energy

224 0, 2

225 CO2

226 Copper

227 Lead

228 Isotopes

229 CO2

230 5

231 A sulphur compound

232 Vulcanization

233 2, 8, 8, 2

234 Vulcanization

235 Sulphuric acid

236 in the form of Humidity]

237 Bark

238 Joseph Aspdin

239 Wood

240 Fractional distillation

241 Red phosphorus

242 Robert Koch

243 Common Salt

244 Metal

245 D2O

246 Constant heating

247 Rayon

248 Atomic emission

249 Coagulation

250 Sulphur

251 H2O

252 Crystallization

253 Alkaline Potassium Permanganate

254 Iron, chromium and nickel

255 Carius method

256 Acetic acid

257 Extreme heat and pressure

258 Propane and Butane

259 Iron 

260 Chemical method

261 Die Methyl ether

262 They contain free electrons

263 Its Lighter than air

264 Anthracite

265 Slow down the speed of neutrons

266 Graphite

267 Magnesium

268 Bromine

269 Disinfection

270 Humidity

271 Nitrate

272 Chlorine

273 Electrolytic decomposition

274 Zinc oxide

275 Citric acid

276 Water Vapors

277 Tungsten

278 Coagulation

279 Nitrous oxide

280 19

281 Atomic emission

282 Coagulation

283 Sulphur

284 Dialkyal dichloro silane

285 Neils Bohr

286 Hydration and Hydrolysis

287 Atomic weight

288 Copper and Zinc

289 Na2S2O3

290 Zinc

291 Silver

292 Atacama

293 CP-CV = R/J

294 By its octane number

295 An anti knock Compound

296 Plasma

297 Sulphuric acid

298 Hydrogen

299 Zeolites

300 Oxidising agent

301 Auxins

302 Moisture

303 Parthenocarpy

304 Which affected the 'Taj Mahal'?

305 Slow oxidation

306 Silver

307 CO2

308 Due to Reduction in oxygen

309 Renin

310 Aluminium

311 Gasoline

312 Sulphur

313 32000C

314 Ceramic oxides

315 Baking Soda

316 Top

317 Lead

318 Helium nuclear

319 HClO4

320 Two million

321 Atomic number

322 Yeast

323 Uranium

324 Methane

325 Temperate cyclones

326 Aluminum Chloride (Alcl3)

327 Atoll

328 Methanol and water

329 Pb (lead)

330 Due to oxidation

331 Thorium

332 Mercury

333 36

334 Biomass

335 Lavoisier

336 Regur soil

337 Emulsion

338 Vapor pressure is equal to the surrounding pressure

339 Slag

340 Consumption of sulphuric acid

341 Electron

342 Carbon dioxide

343 Atomic number

344 Limestone and clay

345 Titanium

346 Copper at cathode and oxygen at anode

347 Reduction

348 Silver Bromide (Ag Br)

349 Mercury

350 Helium

351 Methane

352 Roentgens

353 Na2Co3 10H2O

354 8

355 Sulphuric acid

356 350 ° C

357 Asbestos

358 Glass

359 Blue green algae

360 The paper ignites

361 Panna in Madhya Pradesh

362 8: 26 A.M.

363 F. Galton

364 Tamil Nadu

365 Karnataka

366 Jharkhand

367 Corona

368 China-Pakistan

369 Rajasthan

370 Blowouts

371 St. Petersburg and Vladivostok

372 On the Hokkaido coast

373 Gujarat and Maharashtra

374 Limnology

375 Terrestrial sea

376 Western ghat

377 Gujarat

378 The Indian Ocean

379 Fronts

380 Kosi

381 Mettur

382 Heavy

383 Two-third

384 East Asia

385 Australia

386 South America

387 Bihar

388 Hungary

389 Mercury

390 Antarctica

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