Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 04 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 04 (English)

1 Copper, zinc and iodine

2 Hypotonic

3 75%

4 Zinc oxide

5 Vinyl chloride

6 Argon

7 Methyl isocynate

8 It has more capacity and fuel save

9 Hydrogen

10 Apsara

11 Carbon black

12 Soda, Lime Stone Silica Sand ash

13 Calcium, magnesium and iron

14 Aluminum Powder

15 Oil gas

16 Iron

17 Nitrogen (N)

18 Decreased

19 Zone Melting

20 Filter

21 Chemical energy

22 Duodenum

23 Magnesium silicate

24 10-5 - 10-7 cm

25 Sodium thiosulphate

26 Bromein

27 Metamerism

28 Cadmium

29 Sodium Nitrate (NaNo3)

30 Nitrogen fixing bacteria

31 Nitrogen oxide

32 Half Filled Stable configuration in 2p orb

33 Copper and Zinc

34 Udaipur

35 Lichen

36 Pyridine

37 Cholas

38 Lithium and osmium

39 Vander wall forces

40 Fractional distillation

41 2CaSO4.H2O

42 Resistance

43 Texas-Louisiana belt

44 Crooked glass

45 Silver (Ag), and lead (Pb)

46 Graphite

47 Dolomite

48 Sugar solution

49 Brittleness

50 Sodium chloride

51 pH

52 Copper and Tin

53 Borax

54 Water gas

55 Gypsum Salt

56 Silicon

57 Fermentation

58 In its aqueous solution Red Litmus turns to Blue Litmus

59 Makrana marble

60 Chlorine

61 0

62 Hydrogenation

63 Poling

64 Slaked Lime

65 Carbon dioxide

66 Sand and silicates

67 Radio Phosphorous

68 Silver

69 Cement industry

70 D-Block

71 Germany and Austria

72 Distillation

73 Pataliputra

74 Stable

75 Wave-free salt water

76 Copper, tin and bronze

77 Sodium benzoate

78 Urea

79 No change will happen

80 Increases its weight

81 Chemical Process

82 Coal

83 Singapore

84 Carbonic acid

85 Uncontrolled Nuclear Fusion

86 Animal charcoal

87 Water softening

88 Because of barium

89 Number of electrons revolving around nucleus

90 Platinum

91 H2 (Hydrogen)

92 Zinc oxide (zno)

93 Strontiur and barium

94 Poison

95 Graphite

96 CO2

97 Calcium Hydroxide

98 Silver

99 Quantum numbers

100 Lead

101 Kerosene

102 Dalton

103 Astatine

104 7 minutes 40 seconds

105 Helium

106 Mercury vapour

107 Lead

108 ZnSO4 .7H2O

109 Inner orbits of atoms

110 45 ° F

111 Container

112 Animal Waste

113 Moderator

114 Helium

115 Filtration

116 Hydrogen

117 Electron, Proton, Neutron

118 Glucose

119 Chromium

120 2

121 O3 Layer

122 SO2

123 Limestone

124 Regur

125 From 89 to 103

126 Calcium Hypochlorite

127 Formaldehyde

128 Stream of electrons

129 Efflorescence

130 Isotopes

131 Respiration

132 Red

133 Calcium carbide and nitrogen

134 Liquid in a Liquid

135 Lowered

136 Glycero 

137 Oxalic acid

138 Butane and Propane

139 R.A. Millikan

140 Smelting

141 Glycerol

142 1-2gram

143 Isotones

144 By its atomic number

145 Less than unity

146 Aluminum

147 Kahuta

148 Frost point

149 First decreases then increases

150 sodium Thiosulphate

151 Sugar

152 Seaborg

153 Cellulose

154 Ammonium Nitrate

155 Not easily degradable in nature

156 Gold

157 Thioethanol

158 Anaesthtic

159 Alpha particles

160 Carbon monoxide and nicotine

161 Isotones

162 U-235

163 Zinc and Gold

164 Washing soda

165 German Silver

166 acid

167 Aqua regian

168 Cellulose of plants

169 Water drop in a dispersion medium of air

170 Methane, butane and propane

171 Nitrogen dioxide, chloroform

172 Methane and air

173 Lichen

174 2

175 Pnictogens

176 Cadmium

177 Conduction

178 Wood charcoal

179 Chlorella

180 M1 + T.D

181 Oxygen with acetylene

182 Oil gas

183 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

184 Sodium Bicarbonate

185 Zero

186 S. Chandrashekhar

187 Auxin

188 Pitcher plant

189 Gold

190 Sodium

191 Narcylene

192 Gold

193 Plastic surgery

194 Due to imbibition

195 Sulphuric acid

196 Electron

197 Mercury

198 Magnesium, silicon and oxygen

199 Red phosphorus

200 Diamond

201 Gasoline

202 Expands more than a Liquid

203 Golgi appartus

204 Dolomite

205 Lead

206 Moderator

207 Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

208 Trapping of solar energy due to carbon dioxide.

209 oxygen and water

210 Surface tension

211 Magnetite

212 5

213 Methane

214 Coal mines

215 40C

216 Aluminium oxide

217 Methyl Isocyanite

218 Acetylene

219 Sublimation


221 Soap + Water

222 Nucleus

223 Nichrome

224 Wrought iron

225 CaSO.2HO

226 Liquid sodium

227 Macro Pollutant

228 Distillation

229 Copper, Zinc, Nickel

230 Na2SiO3

231 Because of inadequate supply of air

232 2

233 Muriatic acid

234 Exothermic

235 Exothermic

236 Silicon dioxide

237 Water (H20)

238 Protons and Neutrons

239 As tetrahedral

240 New Delhi

241 Nickel

242 Nylon

243 Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur

244 Due to the presence of urochrome

245 Lead

246 Coagulation

247 Hydration

248 Conc HNO3 and conc CHL

249 Gun powder

250 Zinc

251 Barium

252 Galena

253 Kerosene

254 Orientation

255 Folding of the geosyncline

256 Bauxite

257 Wetland

258 Special theory of relativity

259 Fiber glass

260 Nimbostratus

261 Surface tension

262 Hydrogen

263 Decrease

264 Lead

265 Nitrogen

266 Wrought Iron

267 Corrosion, attrition, deflation

268 Bourlog Award

269 Adsorbent

270 Colloidal sulphur

271 Collectorichum falcatum

272 Fiber

273 Nicotine

274 U-235

275 Absorption of oxygen

276 Alkaline

277 Magnesium

278 Ion exchange method

279 Barometer

280 Emulsion

281 Sodium Hypochlorite

282 NH4Cl

283 Due to osmotic shock

284 Calcium Silicate and calcium aluminates

285 Nickel and Iron

286 Graphite

287 Silicon

288 Silver Iodide (Agl)

289 Colloidal solution

290 Zinc

291 Phyto hormones

292 Xenon

293 Internal input and production

294 National income

295 Third Five Year Plan

296 Egypt

297 The last day of February

298 Decreasing

299 Inake cost of production and profit equal.

300 Fish and Milk

301 Ministry of Finance

302 After every five year

303 Central Statistical Organisation

304 France

305 Double Dip Recession

306 Shri D. Subbarao

307 Fiscal deficit

308 National Income

309 Ratio less than 1

310 Finance Ministry

311 Single Transferable Vote System

312 Surcharge

313 Internal borrowings

314 Jan.-June

315 Ragner Frisch

316 Geneva

317 Marginal Cost

318 Primary Sector

319 Industrial Policy of 1948

320 Balwant Rai Mehta

321 Public Accounts Committee

322 Edward Chamberlin

323 Nagaland

324 Inflation

325 Liberalisation of the economy

326 Low Rate of Interest

327 Commercial banking

328 House hold Balance

329 Balance of trade

330 Lucknow

331 Gram Panchayats

332 Commercial banking

333 P.A. Samuellson

334 WTO

335 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

336 Demand draft

337 Export Import Policy

338 Help the targetted groups

339 Government

340 Disinflation

341 78

342 Delhi

343 Pessimistic

344 Metcalfe

345 Gems and Jewellery

346 Inelastic

347 Dababhai Naoroji

348 Total revenue equals total cost.

349 Fifth

350 Salary of employees

351 Finance Secretary of India

352 Tropical monsoon crop

353 RBI

354 Clearing House


356 Klaus Schwab

357 Progressive tax

358 Industrial sector

359 Increasing

360 Shift towards right

361 1978-83

362 Perfect Competition, Monopoly.

363 Trade bills

364 Mumbai

365 Jeddah

366 Remain constant

367 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

368 Between related products demand and price

369 Tertiary sector

370 Fish production

371 Rajaraja I

372 Central Bank

373 Income inequality

374 Punjab

375 1998

376 Mixed economy

377 Bangladesh

378 Fourth

379 Alfred Marshall

380 Sehicago School

381 Darwin and Wallace

382 Selling of government bonds

383 National income/Total population

384 Agricultural products

385 Rs. 100

386 Hierarchical model

387 24

388 Economics

389 French

390 Reserve Bank of India

391 Taxation only

392 Clark

393 Remains constant

394 31 Dec. 2015

395 Negative

396 Fourth Five Year Plan

397 Economics

398 Income Tax


400 40,000

401 Israel

402 Retail Trade

403 Establishing Joint Enterprises

404 Taxation

405 Who works on other's land

406 Inflation

407 Fiscal policy

408 Contingency Fund of India

409 Income in per capital income

410 Thomos Hardy

411 Jute

412 Vienna

413 Governor (Reserve Bank of India)

414 K.C. pant

415 France

416 Stagnation and inflation

417 Small industries development bank of India

418 Union List

419 Tax on entertainment

420 Receiving and expenditure of govt.

421 Indirect tax

422 1994

423 Wind

424 Mars and Jupiter

425 Drizzling

426 The Gulf of Mexico

427 Kigali

428 India and China

429 Bhakra

430 Fold structure

431 Agriculture

432 North Western India

433 Tropical rain forest

434 Volga

435 Wegener

436 Home Minister

437 Milk Production

438 Petroleum

439 Sutlej

440 Pakistan and Afghanistan

441 3.50%

442 Pedocal

443 Panna in Madhya Pradesh

444 Oxygen

445 Pacific Ocean

446 Ganga

447 Khadar

448 Punjab

449 Godavari

450 Increase

451 Zaire

452 4-Jul

453 Weak coriolis force

454 Shriharikota

455 Pir Panjal

456 Mongoloid

457 Haryana

458 fold mountains

459 The West Coast of Greenland

460 Fourth

461 Earthquake on sea surface

462 Storm

463 Gorakhpur

464 smoke and fog

465 75 dB.

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