Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 05 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 05 (English)

1 Study of selling of Tisco

2 Industrial Policy of 1948

3 Primary input and ultimate output

4 The Bank Note  press,Dewas

5 Mexico

6 15th Census

7 Electronic banking

8 Incomes

9 Negative

10 Horizontal to x - axis

11 Extra demand

12 Per capita real income

13 Central Bank

14 Winning of Lottery

15 Monopoly

16 Political policies

17 State Drawing Rights

18 Delton

19 P. C. Mahalanobis

20 First

21 20

22 SDR


24 Jawaharlal Nehru

25 India

26 Direct tax

27 Direct tax

28 Purchasing power

29 Foreign Institutional Investors

30 Central Statistical Organisation

31 Finance Ministry

32 Disguised

33 Stagflation

34 North-West Atlantic

35 J.B. Say

36 Fifth

37 Uplift the poor

38 Variable cost + Administrative cost

39 Steady growth begins

40 Production of goods and services

41 Exchange of goods with goods

42 Coal

43 Increase

44 Zero

45 Decrease in money supply

46 Both Washington DC

47 Schumpeter

48 II Schedule of RBI act

49 Increasing steadily

50 Reserve Bank of India

51 Imperial Bank of India

52 Unit cost of production

53 Panther

54 Roozwelt

55 Rs. 1000

56 Bangladesh

57 Uganda

58 Supremacy of big firms

59 Rate of indirect tax

60 State Bank of India.

61 Promoting adult literacy

62 Defence

63 Marginal product is rising

64 Useful but need strict regulation

65 The Bank Note Press, Dewas

66 Because of population growth

67 Vijay Kelkar

68 Jawaharlal Nehru

69 Cost and demand

70 Vishnugupta

71 Highest stage

72 Adam Smith

73 A currency not easy to access

74 IDA

75 Fertilizers

76 Incomes

77 Finance Bill

78 One

79 Demand draft

80 Cost-push inflation

81 Fixed Minimum Reserve system

82 1924-25

83 Consolidating the economy

84 Customer's preference

85 26-Apr

86 Privatization

87 Borrowed by its government from abroad

88 Drived demand

89 Increase FDI

90 Ashoka Metha Committee

91 Its creditors

92 1975

93 American Dollar

94 Equality in marginal cost and marginal revenue

95 Liberalization of the economy

96 Its creditors

97 Spending in excess of revenue

98 Nation Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

99 Total saving

100 Mumbai

101 Apr-99

102 Purchasing power of End

103 Disposable Personal Income

104 Reserve Bank of India

105 Fifth

106 Indian Oil Corporation

107 First

108 1999-2000

109 Maharashtra

110 Second

111 Adam Smith

112 Increasing

113 Directorate of Marketing and Inspection

114 V. K. R. V. Rao

115 2012-2017

116 5

117 Monopolistic Competition

118 Open economy

119 M3

120 Reserve Bank Of India

121 M1 + T.D

122 Bombay Stock Exchange

123 Less import than export

124 Union List

125 All level of production and selling

126 Tax proceeds between the  States

127 Handloom

128 Liquidity Preference

129 Spending in excess of revenue

130 Income

131 Kenz

132 Lowering bank rate

133 Quantity of demand and supply is equal

134 Second

135 Production and income methods

136 Due to income inequality

137 Milk

138 Money Market

139 Share market

140 Jan.-June

141 Production method

142 4:02:01

143 Decrease in production

144 IFCI

145 Cost taking

146 Soviet Union

147 Oil

148 55

149 Total consumption and Total income

150 An overdraft

151 Capital expenditure

152 Venus

153 American Dollar

154 Fiscal policy

155 Jawaharlal Nehru

156 Sweden

157 Regressive

158 Net domestic product of India

159 Labour Surplus Economy

160 Primary sector

161 What it can earn in some other  use

162 Income

163 1976-1985

164 Negative

165 SBI

166 Holding sets in the form of cash

167 Indian Government

168 Portfolio Investment

169 Special Economic Zone

170 Annualized effective effect

171 Rome

172 Varada Grameen Bank

173 Revenue receipts

174 High interest rates

175 Less than average cost

176 M. Visvesvaraya

177 Rajiv Gandhi

178 Less than price

179 Direct taxes

180 Irrigation

181 NH 7

182 Noida 

183 Per capital income

184 July, 1964

185 Wheat


187 Small holdings

188 Income method

189 Mark Tully

190 Starting of steadily increasing economy

191 Vulnerability

192 UNO

193 Taxation only

194 Increase in money supply and fall in production

195 1949

196 One seller, one buyer.

197 Tax reform

198 Production of goods and services

199 Demand deposits

200 Sarojini Naidu

201 Lowering bank rate

202 Minimum Reserve System

203 RBI

204 Red

205 Disguised

206 Oudh Commercial Bank

207 Michelson and Morley

208 Michelson and Morley

209 Consolidation of Holidays (Chakbandi)

210 Kolkata

211 Relatively inelastic.

212 April, 1987

213 20

214 Pure Profit

215 Mixed economy

216 Raj Krishna

217 Productive unit

218 On same person

219 Trading block

220 Lowest average costs

221 1994

222 Fourth 5-Yr Plan

223 By the test of reasonableness

224 1999-2000

225 Farmer USSR

226 State Bank of India

227 Trusteeship Theory

228 Varada Grameen Bank

229 Land

230 Coal mining industry

231 Direct tax

232 Income

233 Per capita income

234 enterprise Sector

235 RBI directives

236 National income

237 Increases

238 Pension

239 Increase

240 July to June

241 Rich

242 By M. Visvesvaraya

243 Export Services

244 Producer's surplus

245 By the Constitution of India

246 White Revolution 

247 Fourth

248 At simple interest rate

249 LIC

250 Countries having large per capita income

251 The demand exceeds the supply

252 Dr. vijay L Kelkar

253 Pound, sterling

254 18

255 International market

256 Estimates Committee

257 Household sector

258 Giffen goods are also inferior goods

259 Monetary Policy

260 Bilateral trade

261 90 days

262 Econometrics

263 Dry places

264 Sum total of production

265 Minimum Reserve System

266 Fair

267 Decreasing cost

268 Per capita real income

269 Capitalism

270 Normative economics

271 Union List

272 Growth of GNP

273 Thermal power plants

274 Increase in price of that product

275 1994

276 Industrialization

277 Cost of living

278 Perfectly elastic

279 IMF

280 Castillo

281 Sunk cost

282 Romesh Chandra Dutt

283 Purchasing power of money.

284 Fiscal policy

285 Exports

286 Licensing

287 Low rate of interest

288 Constant interest return

289 Selling of giltedged securities by the Government

290 Coal India Ltd.

291 Decrease in money supply

292 7

293 Firm

294 Angel law

295 Mint

296 To check that there is no tariff on import & export of gold

297 A concept of long term production

298 Cannot be reduced

299 Demand of B will be decreased.

300 Surendranath Banerjee

301 Fifth five year plan

302 The developing countries

303 The demand exceeds the supply

304 Useful but need strict regulation

305 Land Development Bank

306 Governor (Reserve Bank of India)

307 Goes upper towards right

308 Increase

309 Auto fuel policy

310 Increase inconsumption

311 Environment and Forest Ministry

312 M3

313 RBI

314 State Bank of India

315 Law of market

316 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2012

317 Journalism

318 1957

319 Bihar

320 Jeevan Sathi Yojana

321 1969

322 George Orwell

323 1982

324 Wages

325 Fifth

326 Increase

327 USA

328 Concurrent List

329 India Development Bonds

330 Ownership of enterprises

331 Profit is gained after large time.

332 Cost of living

333 Monopoly

334 Floating Capital

335 Non - planned expenditure

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