Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 06 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 06 (English)

1 Land Scard, labour surplus

2 14


4 Multinational trade

5 Remain constant

6 Global Environment fund

7 15

8 Stagflation

9 Reserve Bank of India

10 Clearing House

11 International reorganized & development bank

12 Multiply themselves

13 Marginal revenue = Marginal Cost

14 Portuguese

15 Engineering goods industry

16 Consumption by people of country.

17 CSO

18 Decrease in cost of production

19 Central Statistical office (CSO)

20 1964

21 GNP - NNP

22 RBI

23 184

24 Taxation

25 Smith

26 18

27 Creditors

28 Increase in prices

29 1948

30 Adam Smith

31 Poorest of the poor

32 1929

33 Costpush inflation

34 Comptroller andAuditor General

35 Break-even point

36 Food Web

37 Personal Property

38 ICICI Bank

39 Syndicate Bank

40 Primary Market

41 Change in fashion.

42 Own Account Production

43 Excise duties

44 RBI

45 Agriculture and Rural areas

46 By M. Visvesvaraya

47 Dumping

48 GDP - Indirect Tax subsidy

49 Ms. Benazir Bhutto

50 Rate of indirect tax

51 Variable cost

52 Sales Tax

53 Schumpeter

54 Iqbal

55 Perfectly inelastic

56 NNP

57 Monopoly.

58 Member nations

59 1969

60 Capitalist economy

61 Profession Tax

62 Mohalanobis Model

63 White Paper

64 Recession plus inflation

65 A small part of their income

66 Negative return

67 Excise duty

68 Investment goods

69 Surcharge

70 Administrative Ministries only

71 1952

72 Explicit cost

73 Fiscal policy

74 Superiority of Consumer

75 Fiscal drag

76 Indirect Tax

77 Price and Production

78 Syndicate Bank

79 Concurrent list

80 2011-2012

81 Income increases

82 Subhash Chandra Bose

83 Recession plus inflation

84 M. Visvesvaraya

85 Corporate businesses

86 Industrial Development Bank of India

87 2001-2010

88 With decrease in price

89 RBI directives

90 Industrial Development Bank of India

91 Population density

92 Oxygen

93 Gir Bio-Reserve

94 less density

95 Venus

96 West Bengal

97 Black

98 Sugercane

99 Near equator

100 Singapore

101 6 months imprisonment

102 Labour demand curve will shift towards right

103 Consolidated Fund of India

104 4

105 Fined Cost

106 Consumer goods

107 Giffen good

108 RBI

109 1993

110 M3

111 Poor people of rural areas

112 Rs. 100

113 Economic cost

114 V.S. Naipaul

115 Mixed Economy

116 Madam Bhikaiji Cama

117 Steady growth begins

118 One year

119 Political reign

120 Intermediate consumption

121 Demand decreases

122 Share Market

123 Increase in fertilizer production

124 GATT

125 Dr. Amita Patel, 1992

126 Direct proportional

127 21

128 1949

129 National income

130 Perfect Competition

131 Land Development Bank

132 Capitalist

133 Protection of human rights

134 Export- Import Banks

135 Harrod Domor Model

136 Demand decreases

137 Gifts received form a friend

138 Raw petroleum

139 Per capita income

140 Fixed cost

141 Milton Freedman

142 Central Banks

143 State Bank of India

144 UTI-II

145 1957

146 RBI


148 2005-06

149 1978-83

150 Household sector

151 Bombay, Madras, Calcutta

152 Production of a commodity

153 GNP

154 National income at constant prices

155 Reserve Bank of India

156 Finance Ministry

157 Ragner Frisch

158 U.S.

159 SEBI

160 Help the targeted groups

161 Geneva, Switzerland

162 Trade Related Investment Measures.

163 Unrestricted exchange of goods and services

164 Mumbai

165 4

166 Debtors

167 State Bank of India

168 1994

169 High interest rates

170 6

171 P.V. Narshingha Rao (1990)

172 1995

173 Prime Minister

174 Rise in general price index

175 Steel industry

176 Thermal power

177 Different meaning

178 Household consumption

179 Coriolis force

180 Demand & Supply

181 Mixed farming

182 Money

183 1948

184 1980

185 Mixed economy

186 Commission of Agriculture cost and Price.

187 Grand Canyon

188 1990

189 Interest payment

190 Frictional unemployment

191 Treasury bill

192 Foreign Currency Convertible bonds

193 NSSO

194 Panther

195 Taxonomy

196 Preparation of the plan

197 May 1, in the year 1960

198 Net national product at factor cost

199 RBI

200 Trade bills

201 Vietnam

202 Al -Hilal

203 Consolidated Fund

204 One year

205 Heavy industries

206 Bentham

207 Rise in general price index

208 The last day of February

209 NNP - Indirect tax + subsidy

210 Entrepreneurs

211 North-East England

212 1948

213 20 Percent

214 Increases

215 Income, Product and expenditure

216 1993

217 Creating utility

218 1966-69

219 1929-34

220 1957

221 Bank of Hindustan

222 France

223 1948

224 Tax on cultivation

225 Different

226 163

227 Low Rate of Interest

228 National income

229 Retail Trade

230 Excess reserve

231 Net National Product

232 Socialistic economy

233 Internal borrowings

234 Money

235 1948

236 Fixed cost

237 1993

238 Sales Tax

239 GNP – depreciation

240 Anita Desai

241 Production and income methods

242 Chikmagalur district

243 V. K. R. V. Rao

244 Bank of Hindustan

245 Fifth

246 Foreign Institutional Investors

247 0 to 1

248 Super normal profit

249 Fiscal drag

250 Between 1918 and1930

251 Norman E. Borlaug

252 Finance Bills

253 Output Minus the Inputs

254 Fluctuation is seen.


256 When the lava is viscous

257 North Sea and Baltic Sea

258 Rivers


260 Tropical Sub-humid Forests

261 Hydroponics

262 36,000 km

263 Indonesia

264 Jupitar

265 Sutlej

266 Granitisation

267 Rice

268 Tamil Nadu

269 Substitute crops which are cropped when regular crops fail to grow

270 Destruction of habitat of wild animals

271 Prairie

272 Alluvial soil

273 Krishna Basin

274 Narmada

275 Tamil Nadu

276 Kapurthala and Perambur

277 Mountain forest

278 Australia

279 Gulf of Khambat

280 Euro zone

281 Tapti & Narmada

282 Greenland

283 Granite

284 Madhya Pradesh

285 West Bengal

286 Arabian Sea

287 South

288 Deolali

289 Jupiter

290 Australia

291 Angular momentum

292 Kosi

293 Venus

294 30 ° East

295 Kanyakumari

296 Contour farming

297 Slopes of Hills

298 Wet evergreen equatorial forests

299 Likely to be annular

300 Narmada

301 December, 22

302 Continental slope

303 1985

304 High population density

305 Legume

306 North-eastern Himalaya and western ghat

307 Barren Island

308 Sargasso sea

309 Feasibility

310 United Kingdom

311 Decreases rapidly

312 Gulf of Mannar

313 Western Australia

314 Mid latitudes

315 Petroleum

316 Chenab

317 Less than 30%

318 Javan rhino

319 Yamuna

320 350 north and 1000 east

321 9

322 Pampas

323 Bangladesh

324 Kerala

325 Madhya Pradesh

326 Strait of Gibraltar

327 Earth's crust

328 Perpendicular to each other

329 Orographic effect

330 Vienna

331 Process of habitat loss

332 382

333 7500km

334 Electric power generation

335 warm ocean current

336 Europe and Oceania

337 Tropical Zone

338 Tundra

339 Rise in earth temperature

340 Damodar

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