Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 07 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 07 (English)

1 Saragossa sea

2 Myanmar

3 Selvas

4 Black

5 Aluminium

6 Divergent movement

7 Kyoto Protocol

8 Tripura

9 U.S.A.

10 12

11 In pacific ocean

12 Mantle

13 Denmark

14 Karst plains

15 Kerala and Tamil Nadu

16 Cyclonic storm

17 Iceland

18 Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

19 Sumatra and Malaysia

20 Krishna

21 Decreases with height

22 Myanmar

23 Manipur

24 Cotton

25 Rice

26 California

27 9.72 km/sec.

28 Low humidity

29 Temperate grasslands and Tundra

30 Mahahadi and Godavari

31 China

32 Stratosphere

33 Mexico

34 England

35 citrus

36 it gets warm from the heat of the surface of the earth

37 Subpolar low pressure belts

38 Proto-Australoids

39 Volcanoes

40 Tamil Nadu and Kerala

41 Pine

42 North-western

43 Geostropic wind

44 Borneo

45 main fish catching zone

46 Blue-green algae

47 West Bengal

48 Gymnosperm

49 Nepal

50 Arunachal Pradesh

51 Indonesia

52 60 ° S


54 South to north

55 Norway

56 Gram

57 Cold fronts

58 U.S.A.

59 Gahirmatha

60 Gulf stream

61 Karnataka

62 Meteorology


64 Meteor

65 Kunchikal Falls

66 Thorn

67 NH 7

68 Off the coast at Rameshwaram

69 January

70 Hyderabad

71 Patna

72 Standard time of the country

73 China and Japan Sea

74 Due to rotation of the earth

75 Hedland

76 The Satavahanas

77 Mars

78 Pamir Plateau

79 English

80 Agriculture

81 30 percent

82 Convectional

83 Eucalyptus

84 Hawai

85 United States of America

86 Pork eaters

87 Relief map

88 Textile industry

89 Hypolmnion

90 Sumatra

91 Sindri

92 Germany

93 35%

94 Dhauladhar and pir panjal

95 Caldera lake

96 Oilseeds

97 Due to convection of heat

98 Mumbai is on the windward side

99 Malaysia

100 Three

101 Venus

102 Nilgiris

103 Australopithecus

104 Ecotone

105 6400 km

106 Nangaparvat

107 Silica

108 Tapti

109 Geneva

110 70%

111 West Bengal

112 East to West

113 Aravallis

114 Arctic and Antarctica circle

115 Kerala

116 Trade wind

117 Escherichia coli

118 Rising Population

119 Manipur

120 China

121 Leh in Kashmir

122 West to East

123 Plantation

124 Export processing zone

125 Moong and Urad

126 Saito Angel Falls

127 8 : 30 p.m. of previous day

128 Devprayag

129 Marine west coast

130 Gulf of Kutch

131 North to south

132 Uttrakhand

133 Sedimentary Rock

134 Snow, forest, water

135 Orographic

136 NH 6

137 Sahara

138 Bangladesh

139 Monsoon

140 Mumbai

141 the warm and sunny climate

142 The Tundra Region

143 40,000 km

144 Brazil

145 North of geographical equator

146 Smog

147 Cirrus cloud

148 Sundarban in west Bengal

149 Ghana

150 North Korea and South Korea

151 Damodar

152 Umbra

153 California

154 Jupiter

155 Asia

156 1:30

157 Tropical moist forests

158 Coal

159 Indira Point

160 Paradip and Haldia

161 Isthmus

162 between two rifts

163 Sambhar

164 Karakoram mountain range

165 Vishakhapatnam

166 Aral sea

167 Jog falls

168 Mt. K2

169 Mumbai

170 Russia

171 Gujarat

172 Subtropical monsoon

173 30 ° E longitude

174 Geographical Survey of India

175 Young folded mountains

176 Oxygen

177 Bangladesh

178 In tropical wet evergreen forest

179 Mediterranean

180 Renewable

181 Soil erosion

182 Damodar Valley Project

183 Contour

184 Kakinanda - Pondicherry

185 Iron

186 Typhoons

187 Neopalina

188 Basalts

189 5 km

190 Producer gas

191 Governor

192 Glacier

193 Tamil Nadu coast

194 Panchmarhi

195 Orissa

196 Nimbus

197 Andhra Pradesh

198 Red shift

199 Igneous

200 Amundsen

201 47%

202 Growing and managing useful plants on public land

203 Zaire

204 Tectonism

205 Mercury

206 Kolkata and Amritsar

207 Neolithic

208 Andes

209 Due to seasonal and scanty rainfall


211 Lesser Himalayan

212 Dry and humid tropical areas

213 Hot desert

214 India and Sri Lanka

215 Radiometric dating

216 Northern and eastern

217 40,075 km

218 Due to coriolis force

219 Gobind Sagar

220 Circular and elliptic

221 Elfm forest

222 Pimpari

223 Japan Sea

224 Tropical forest

225 Aravali

226 Patagonia desert

227 Ivory coast

228 Fresh water

229 Coromandal coastal plains

230 Millet

231 Saddle Peak

232 Chickmaglur

233 Mizoram

234 Mistral

235 Suger Industry

236 Mahogany trees

237 December, 22

238 Maharashtra

239 150 to 400

240 The horse latitude

241 Isohyet

242 Katabatic wind

243 Congo

244 U. P.

245 370

246 100 cm

247 Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh

248 Rice

249 Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat

250 Goa and Daman

251 5th June

252 Indira point

253 Silicon

254 Rann of Kutch

255 Magma

256 Oilseed Production

257 Zambezi River

258 Rajasthan

259 Western Rajasthan

260 Namacha Barwa

261 Electrical conductivity meter

262 Marine Ecosystem

263 Congo

264 Caribbean sea

265 Eastern range

266 Lake Erie and lake Ontario

267 Pampas

268 Milk Production

269 Tungabhadra

270 4

271 Edan Canal

272 Democratic Republic of the Congo

273 Narmada

274 In 2126 AD

275 Due to dust particles

276 Chinook

277 Equatorial climate

278 Sugar Industry

279 10,002 km

280 Celestial pole

281 Tapti

282 Bamako

283 Lake Baikal

284 Socialism

285 Mediterranean Climate Region

286 In tropical rain forests

287 Western Ghats

288 Arunachal Pradesh

289 K. C. Mehta

290 Delta region of Mahanadi

291 With increased temperature

292 Annaimudi

293 Melbourne

294 Stationary waves

295 12,800 Km

296 Albedo

297 Lake Victoria

298 People

299 Cloves

300 Absolute humidity

301 Indian Ocean

302 111 km

303 Sill

304 Amazon

305 Mestizo

306 Sutlej and Vyas

307 Approximately 68 km

308 Coal mining industry

309 Gram

310 Peru

311 Dykes

312 At equator

313 Reef formation

314 Rice

315 Arunachal Pradesh

316 Godavari

317 Arunachal Pradesh

318 Central North America

319 Crater

320 Podzol

321 Proximacentauri

322 Ninety east ridge

323 North -east region

324 South America

325 Withering

326 Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan

327 One

328 Iron

329 Infra-red-waves

330 Bailadila

331 Gneiss and schist

332 Tropical rain forest

333 In the South Atlantic Ocean

334 Venus

335 Radiation

336 Sill

337 Srinagar and Leh

338 Suez Canal

339 Fjord coast

340 Seismograph

341 Pores-air

342 Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

343 60%

344 Ecology

345 Temperate forest

346 4.2 light years

347 Marble

348 Parallel to the axis

349 Plantation crops

350 North Pacific Ocean

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