Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 20 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 20 (English)

1 Sonic Boom

2 Greater than 20 KHz

3 Alen switha transitional focal length

4 125%

5 A air to air missile

6 Colloidal state

7 Astronomical distance

8 Argon

9 Refraction of Light

10 In absorbing the Ultra violet radiations.

11 Specific resistance

12 Power

13 Thermocouple

14 20 Hz

15 Mediterranean

16 Bauxite and electricity

17 Zero permeability

18 103 kg m-3

19 Same as on the surface

20 Isothermal Process

21 Transformer

22 Strongly heated

23 Air Pollution

24 Microwaves

25 Decreases as temperature increases

26 Jet Plane

27 Radioactive decay

28 Periscope

29 Remains the same

30 Alnico

31 Surface tension

32 36,000 km (nearly)

33 103 ohm

34 Second law

35 Radio waves

36 Hysteresis

37 Oxygen

38 Terrestrial Telescope

39 Rectifier

40 Atmospheric refraction

41 Decreases

42 Solar energy into Chemical Energy

43 Convection

44 Capacitor

45 Alcohol Thermometer

46 Specific gravity

47 Atoll

48 Unchanged

49 Valanadu

50 Copper

51 Dispersion

52 Cosmic rays

53 Respirometer

54 #NAME?

55 Potential Energy

56 consequent pole

57 Total internal reflection

58 Condensation

59 Ionosphere

60 Diamond

61 Speed of wind

62 Laser

63 Adiabatic

64 Reflection of Sound

65 From water to glass

66 Decrease

67 Intensity of sound

68 1 ° on the Kelvin scale

69 Induction

70 Gravitation and centrifugal force

71 Gamma-rays

72 Adsorption

73 Remains same

74 genetic force

75 lack of adhesive force

76 Galileo

77 Reflection

78 Area of the liquid surface

79 Modulus of Elasticity

80 Frequency of transmitted signal

81 Polaroid's are used

82 Negative

83 Under valuation of the assets

84 Diamond to glass

85 Raja Ramanna 

86 First law of motion

87 By Max Planck

88 Number of overtones

89 819 ° C

90 because of scattering of light

91 Zero

92 Convection

93 Regulator

94 Remains unaltered

95 More than 25cm

96 Scattering

97 Milk 69

98 8.3 mint.

99 It will Expand

100 Concave mirror

101 Single transistor

102 Centrifugal Force

103 Viscous force exerted by air

104 Atmospheric pressure is less at mountains

105 Rajasthan

106 In doing external work

107 Less than P

108 Scattering of shorter wavelength of sunlight in the atmosphere

109 photoelectric emission is not possible

110 It may cause electrocution

111 Increase

112 Decreases

113 For transmitting pressure

114 Expand more than liquids

115 increases

116 Acetylene

117 Red, Green, Blue

118 Virtual and eject

119 Work and torque

120 Ionosphere

121 Increases with increase in velocity

122 to convert kinetic friction into rolling friction

123 12

124 Frequency

125 75 db.

126 The danger signals are red while the eye is more sensitive to yellow because

127 Glass to water

128 1957

129 Cathode

130 Liner Momentum

131 transmits the blue colour

132 Temperature

133 0 °

134 Longitudinal progressive

135 Copper

136 Nuclear Force

137 Heat

138 Low density

139 KE (Kinetic Energy)

140 Wasp

141 Crookes glass

142 4 ° C

143 Due to the centrifugal force

144 3900 A0 - 7600 A0

145 1

146 Spread his hand outward

147 Above 20,000 kHz

148 Unit north pole

149 Violet light

150 N.H. Taylor and Lio C. young

151 Area of contact is small

152 Ampere/meter

153 Is zero

154 746 watts

155 Capilarism

156 Mediterranean Sea

157 White on top and black on inside

158 Photographic Record

159 Continue to flow the motion of satellite

160 Avogadro's law

161 Due to total internal reflection

162 Infinite

163 Isothermal

164 Short waves

165 Oscillator

166 Capacitor

167 Increase in band width in and decrease in noise.

168 3 x 108 m

169 7

170 Newton

171 Dalmia hill

172 3

173 Pascal's law

174 Low atmospheric pressure

175 Infrared Rays

176 Refraction

177 Singapore

178 It forms erect, reduced images

179 Oscilloscope

180 Wavelength and speed

181 Disable

182 Europe

183 An atom

184 Chola art

185 50 K

186 40C

187 Frequency (50Hz)

188 Frequency remains same

189 Dr. Venugopal

190 Rubber shield

191 Energy

192 Radiates energy

193 Pyrex glass

194 40,000 Km

195 Richter

196 Percent

197 Decrease

198 By Ultrasound

199 Theory of Relativity

200 Lens

201 Pressure gradient force

202 Sexual reproduction

203 Volta

204 Total internal reflection

205 Ionospheric wave

206 159 liters

207 Because of interference

208 Michel Faraday

209 Effective Voltage

210 Sens

211 Zero

212 Decrease

213 2 sec

214 Soft Iron

215 Due to advection

216 UHF

217 Greater than unity

218 Aryabhata

219 Neutron

220 Equatorial region

221 7

222 Higher than that of men

223 Barometer

224 Tundra Climate

225 Due to Surface tension of water

226 Convectional

227 Total internal Reflection

228 Real and inverted

229 Conservation of linear momentum

230 Mesoderm’s

231 Insulator

232 Diamagnetic

233 If its surface is black and rough

234 Physical state of product and Reactant

235 Force and Pressure

236 helps the engine in keeping speed uniform

237 Blue and red

238 Violet color

239 Convex

240 Latent Heat

241 Because it has high specific heat

242 Hygrometer

243 Bad absorber and good reflector of Heat

244 Decreases

245 to decrease the friction

246 40 °

247 Wavelength of electron is less than the wavelength of light

248 Stationary transverse

249 106 ohm

250 Rectifier

251 2009

252 to decrease the flow of current

253 Einstein

254 To increase the A.C. voltage

255 A pin hole box

256 East Africa

257 Due to Surface tension

258 Frequency modulation

259 Illumination

260 Tolerance level

261 Ultrasonic

262 Atmospheric Refraction

263 Angle of deviation

264 Thermo electric pyrometer

265 Simple Harmonic Motion

266 Radio waves

267 Carbon dioxide

268 Light House are placed with powerful Lights to

269 Madras

270 Hague

271 USA

272 6 months

273 7

274 Uttar Pradesh

275 Regulating Act

276 Not less than half the number

277 65 years

278 Concurrent list

279 Single-party state

280 USA

281 Constituent Assembly

282 Parliament

283 In the Supreme Court

284 Bakshi

285 249

286 Rajasthan

287 Ministry of Human Affairs

288 Richard Nixon

289 Individual State

290 Government of India Act, 1919

291 1954

292 Parliament

293 Habeas Corpus

294 Marley

295 The Union Home Minister

296 Proust

297 Deputy Speaker

298 Socialist State

299 District Council

300 Governor

301 Citizenship

302 Appointment of Prime Minister

303 Every five years

304 30 years

305 Speaker

306 9th December, 1946

307 Neutrality and un Biasedness

308 UK

309 Union Government

310 Nargis Dutt

311 Consolidated Fund of India

312 Mao Zedong

313 6 months

314 65 years

315 The Cabinet

316 24-Jan-50

317 The members of parliament

318 14 days

319 Shri V. T. Krishnamachari

320 President

321 Electoral College for Panchayat

322 5

323 22nd May, 1964

324 2

325 By passing a resolution under article 312

326 War or external aggression

327 Judiciary

328 By the President

329 India, that is Bharat

330 President

331 4 years

332 Governor

333 Article 370 of the Constitution

334 Gram Sabha

335 President

336 Habeas Corpus

337 France

338 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

339 Union List

340 12

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