Friday, March 26, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: GK One liner - English Set 19 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet 
DDB NO: GK One liner 19 (English)

1 Babar

2 Bairam khan

3 Pratiharas

4 Sardar Bhagat Singh

5 Lothal

6 Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

7 Brahma Samaj

8 Chaudhary Rahmat Ali

9 Lucknow Pact

10 Brahmi

11 Surendranath Banerji

12 Masulipatnam

13 Muhammad Shah

14 Amatya

15 Aurangzeb

16 Rashtrakutas

17 Farid

18 Megasthenes

19 Firoj Tuglaq

20 14th century

21 Mauryan King Ashoka

22 Magadh

23 A.O. Home

24 Tamilnadu

25 Bimbisara

26 The Landholder's Society

27 Greeks

28 Sambhaji

29 Jahangir

30 Guru Teg Bahdur

31 1917

32 Quli Qutb Shah

33 Rana kumbha

34 Kalidasa

35 Vikramaditya-chaitanya

36 Promotion of welfare of his people

37 Chandra Gupta Maurya

38 Rajendra I

39 Bharat Bhagya Vidhata

40 Nanda

41 District administrator

42 Samudragupta

43 A.C. Vadiya

44 1699

45 Balaji II

46 Nasiruddin

47 The Holy Family

48 Krishna Deva Raya

49 John Locke

50 Lord Dalhousie

51 Pratihar

52 Mohenjodaro

53 Muhammad - bin - Tughlaq

54 Muhammad Aadilshah II

55 Devaraya II

56 1967

57 Jaunpur

58 Mysore

59 Tanjore

60 Berar

61 Maharaja Ranjit Singh

62 Soldiers

63 Nagarjun and Ashwagosh

64 Chalukyas

65 Lord Ripon

66 Cornwallis

67 Rajgir

68 Shihabuddin Mohd. Gori

69 Ghazi Malik

70 Cholas

71 Meghadutam

72 Mohenjo-daro

73 Badan Singh

74 Narmada

75 Ahmadnagar

76 Kannoj

77 Dadabhai Naoroji

78 Qutubuddin Aibak

79 Shershah Suri

80 Guptas

81 Mir Jafar

82 Rupyaka

83 Vallabhbhai Patel

84 Arastu(Aristotle)

85 Barley

86 Samudragupta

87 Second and seventh

88 Shah Alam II

89 Pashupati

90 Wrestling

91 Muhammad Bin tuglaq

92 Central Asia

93 In the Post-Vedic period

94 Henry Vivian Derozio

95 Allahabad

96 Punjab

97 Aadilshahi

98 250 km-300 km

99 Divine faith

100 Jahangir

101 In the times of Buddha

102 Control board

103 Aihole Inscription

104 Babur and Rana Sanga

105 Babur

106 American independence war

107 Annie Besant and Tilak

108 Skandia Gupta

109 Bernardo Bertolucci

110 Pataliputra

111 Dharmachakra pravartan

112 Dandi

113 Pal Dynasty

114 Rabindranath Tagore

115 Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

116 Dadabhai Naoroji

117 Lothal

118 Rummindei pillar of Ashoka Maurya

119 Hindukush

120 Bhagat Singh

121 Fire

122 Birbal

123 Shershah

124 Jainism

125 Vardhaman Mahavira

126 Sanskrit

127 Sravenbelgola

128 Sardar Patel

129 Copper

130 Inscriptions

131 Gamma rays

132 Prithvi

133 At its Low Temperature Bacteria and Fungus becomes nonreactive

134 Law of conservation of energy

135 Land covered with fresh snow

136 Lumen / watt

137 Radiation

138 x-rays

139 Total internal reflection

140 to detect and locate distant objects.

141 Black and Rough

142 Bernoulli's principle

143 Mica

144 Jode Johnson

145 M-1L3T-2

146 Due to Refraction

147 Infrared rays

148 Water to air

149 Microphone

150 Infrared

151 Reinforced glass

152 Communication

153 Stagflation

154 Fahrenheit

155 They reflects the whole light

156 High Resistivity and minimum melting point

157 Battery

158 Black

159 Iron than in air

160 Coulomb

161 Induced Current

162 Combination

163 30 - 300 MHz

164 Rises

165 Lead

166 Temperature difference between body and its surrounding

167 Increases its weight

168 Reaction

169 water boils at Higher temperature

170 Nucleus

171 Electric

172 6 kg

173 Inertia

174 Gama Rays

175 Tungsten

176 Fumaric acid

177 Pwave, S-wave, L- wave

178 Anemometer

179 It shall increase

180 Because of Radiation

181 Glass to air

182 Hertz

183 Pascal

184 Non-luminous zone

185 decreases

186 Due to elongation of eye balls

187 Concave mirror

188 Top of Mountains

189 William Henry Bragg

190 Conservation of momentum

191 Adiabatic Demagnetization Process

192 Unity

193 Our perspiration evaporates rapidly

194 Made spoon cathode and pure nickel rod anode

195 Cathode rays

196 1.65 cm

197 Rms value

198 5

199 Thermopile

200 The same

201 Air

202 JS

203 Mechanical weathering

204 Solid, liquid, gaseous

205 S. N. Bose

206 Frequency

207 Lactometer

208 Violet light

209 Concave lens with a small focal length

210 Decrease

211 Infinite

212 Fermi energy

213 Z

214 Real, inverted and magnified

215 Diamagnetic c substances only

216 Parallel to each other

217 Just before sunrise

218 6.25 x 1018e

219 Phototropism

220 Becquerel

221 45dB

222 Completely inelastic

223 Sun

224 100%

225 00C

226 Cohesion

227 By binary fission

228 Lower temperature

229 Newton/m2

230 Soft Iron

231 Absolute humidity

232 Decreases

233 N/C

234 At the Poles

235 Cracking

236 Decreases with increasing temperature

237 Centrifugal force

238 Roentgen

239 Power of lens

240 Diamagnetic

241 Increases heavily

242 Gravitation

243 Photoelectric effect

244 Soft iron

245 With increase of temperature

246 3900-7600 A

247 Positive Lapse Rate

248 Watt

249 Less than Zero

250 decibel

251 Black

252 Disinfectant

253 Due to the flow of water

254 Ultrasonic waves

255 Its specific Heat is more

256 Infinite

257 It will stop altogether

258 By observing size of the lens

259 Fern

260 A magnetic fields

261 Central core

262 Tungsten

263 3x108 m/s

264 T.V. Transmission

265 Osmosis

266 Rotation of Earth

267 When the lift is going down with acceleration

268 Earth and the Sun

269 Low pressure and High temperature

270 Agni

271 Zero

272 Intensive farming

273 India

274 Bragg Spectrometer

275 Total  reflection

276 Refraction and Reflection of Light

277 + 20 D

278 Weight

279 gamma-rays

280 Because of radiation

281 Narinder Kapany

282 Scale of sound level

283 Reduces  current in the circuit

284 Light energy into Electric energy

285 Remains constant

286 May have uniform velocity

287 They are cast shadow

288 Increase

289 Bits per second

290 Increase in prices

291 Remain the same

292 Black

293 1 ° C

294 At the pole

295 Maxwell

296 Its Melting point is very high

297 Neutral

298 Convex lens

299 Mho

300 Cesium

301 1 Angstrom (1A0)

302 24 Hours

303 Kinetic

304 Dye laser

305 Hydrochloric acid

306 J. J. Thomson

307 Stagflation

308 Momentum and impulse

309 Photoelectric effect

310 Increases

311 Ionosphere

312 To measure wind velocity

313 Electromagnetic

314 Mo

315 Redshift

316 Newton's 3rd Law

317 Infrared Region

318 Myopia

319 Force, Impulse

320 +2 D

321 When matter is cooled to very low Temperature

322 10%

323 Emitter

324 40F

325 electromagnetic wave

326 Charles H. Townes

327 Energy

328 Because of surface tension

329 Both Longitudinal and transverse waves

330 wind vane

331 Lamarck

332 Sawdust is a poor conductor of Heat

333 Equal to zero

334 Due to absence of gravity

335 Thermal power  plants

336 Incoming solar radiation

337 0.62

338 E = mc2

339 Roasting

340 0.10%

341 15

342 Lok Sabha

343 1950

344 New Delhi

345 Erstwhile USSR

346 Citizenship 

347 From the date of its first meeting

348 Thrice

349 Vice-president

350 May 1, in the year 1960

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