Friday, December 20, 2019

Empowerment of Women


Magme Guru


•    Women Empowerment itself elaborates that Social Rights , Political Rights , Economic stability , judicial strength and all other rights should be also equal to women.
•    There should be no discrimination between men and woman. Women should now there fundamental and social rights which they get once they born.
•    There should be respect and dignity towards Women.
•    Have total independences of their own life and lifestyle inside the home and also outside at their work.
•    They should make their decision , by their own choice.
•    They should have a high social respect in society.
•    They have equal rights in society and other judicial works .
•    They should not be discriminated while providing any type of education.
•    They should select their own economic and financial choices by their own.
•    There should not be any discrimination between woman and man while giving jobs and employment .
•    They should have safe and secured Working location with proper privacy.
•    Women empowerment means emancipation of women from the vicious grips of social, economical, political, caste and gender-based discrimination.
•     It means granting women the freedom to make life choices. Women empowerment does not mean ‘deifying women’ rather it means replacing patriarchy with parity.

Human Rights or Individual Rights:
A woman is a being with senses, imagination and thoughts; she should be able to express them freely. Individual empowerment means to have the self-confidence to articulate and assert the power to negotiate and decide.

Social Women Empowerment : A critical aspect of social empowerment of women is the promotion of gender equality. Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.

Educational Women Empowerment :
It means empowering women with the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. It means making women aware of their rights and developing a confidence to claim them.

Economic and occupational empowerment:
It implies a better quality of material life through sustainable livelihoods owned and managed by women. It means reducing their financial dependence on their male counterparts by making them a significant part of the human resource.

Legal Women Empowerment: It suggests the provision of an effective legal structure which is supportive of women empowerment. It means addressing the gaps between what the law prescribes and what actually occurs.

Political Women Empowerment:  It means the existence of a political system favoring the participation in and control by the women of the political decision-making process and in governance.

Importance of Women Empowerment in India

•    Almost 50% of the world’s population is women, so treating them equally gives an impetus to the respective governments and their working.
•    Experts believe that women empowerment would result in an overall development of the society and the nation as a whole.
•    When women actively participate in economic activities and contribute towards the overall economic development
•    By and large, men have an inherent superiority complex over women and this is one of the biggest barriers to women empowerment.
•    This is not only the case in India but other developing and developed countries as well. It is generally said that women are bound by domestic responsibilities.
•    The man of the house is traditionally considered to be the breadwinner of the family and the woman is considered to be the homemaker.
•    In countries such as India and middle-east, women have restrictions on participation in social, economic and religious activities.
•    In many cultures around the world, the male child is considered as the legal heir to the family legacies and businesses.
•    Tradition and culture are considered to be the two big impediments for women empowerment.

•    Education of the masses: This is something that will act as an eye-opener and open the doors of  freedom for women. Education does not mean that you provide men and women reading and writing capabilities.
•    Awareness for equality: It is very important to make the elders aware of the equality concept.  They need to be told that men and women are equal in stature.
•    Reducing crimes against women – This is one of the biggest solutions that can be offered to increase the status of women in the society. With vigilant authorities, crime rates against women can be brought down. This will in turn help in building confidence and smooth facilitation of women empowerment.
•    Women empowerment starts at home – It is true that the parents need to realize that a male child or a female child – are both the same – and equal status needs to be given to them.
•    Strong laws and governance – Just implementing laws are not sufficient, they need to be strong and effective. The laws that protect the integrity and respect of women need to be revised and if applicable, the changes need to be made.

Women Empowerment in India - Provisions in Indian Constitution:
•    The Indian Constitution, since its formation has been very keen on keeping the development of women on priority.
•    The Constitution of India thus includes a lot of provisions for women to promote equal status of women in the society. In the tables below, you will find articles in the Indian Constitution grouped under the Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy.

Fundamental Rights:

    Articles            Fundamental Right

•    14                 Ensures Right to Equality for women

•    15(1)             Prohibits discrimination on the basis of Sex

•    13(3)             Allows State take Positive action in favor of women

•    16                Provides equal opportunity of employment for all citizens

Directive Principles of State Policy:

     Articles                   Directive Principles

       39(a)             Allows State to direct policies that secure equal right to livelihood

      39(d)                   Equal pay for equal work

      42                   Allows state to provide secure conditions work & maternity relief.

Women Empowerment Schemes in India

Here is a comprehensive list of Women Empowerment Schemes that have been initiated by the government of India.

Name of Schemes
•    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
•    One Stop Centre Scheme
•    Women Helpline Scheme
•    UJJAWALA: A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and
•    Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation
•    Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme For the Children of Working Mothers
•    Working Women Hostel
•    SWADHAR Greh (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances)
•    Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
•    Revision under IGMSY in Accordance with National Food Security Act, 2013 in XIIth Plan

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